
Why has pornography usage become so socially acceptable?

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Why has using p**n become "normal" to the point where if someone is against it they are considered a "prude"? Is the internet to blame for this? Or is it the fact that the standards of intimate relationships have changed? Or is it something else?




  1. p**n is for those who have difficultly getting laid.

  2. many people have different types of definitions of pornography some say it is an art others say it is garbage but the main point here is when s*x became acceptable in our culture then thats when we allowed other forms to be accepted. s*x controls everything

  3. Because the media (meaning t.v., Internet, papers, mags... all press) is on a mass mission to de-sensitize our country and using p**n and p**n-like materials in commercials and prime time t.v. shows, the news, books, is just another building block to accomplish it. There are even elements of sexuality in children's cartoons. They have people brainwashed into thinking that those of us who find this unacceptable are "prudes" or "cry babies". But the truth is that it is just another lane in the highway of "Anything goes land". They are just prepping you and molding you to except yet another form of inappropriateness that they will eventually Begin to display.

  4. It has been broadcasted in the basements of americans since the advent of reel to reel film. Our society has become more commercial and adapted to sexuality. I do not believe that if someone does not want to play along, or watch it, they are a prude. I feel that some people like it, some people don't. All species are Voyeurs to a point..... Think about that the next time you get changed in front of a Pet!!! lol

  5. I don't know, but I think it's appalling.  There are so many women whose lives have been made a misery by the fact that their husbands are obsessed with p**n and would rather look at whores on the internet than at their own wives.  The Marriage and Divorce section on here is full of women who are depressed about this.  I think it is quite revolting.  I don't know what the matter is with men nowadays, I really don't.  They all seem to be becoming increasingly passive, they'd rather look than do.  It's creepy.

  6. That's because you ARE a prude if you are against it.

    p**n (well most of it) is just some naked people doing what comes natural.  It's not a horrid or foul thing at all.  Humans are sexual creatures by nature.  Denying your own nature is well... unnatural.

    Of course, good taste comes into play.  We obviously don't want p**n on the disney channel or anything like that.

  7. I think its a natural outcome of the 'everyone take care of themself' direction sexuality has gone.

    There was a time when wives and husbands were considered responsible for each other's sexual needs.  In practice, I think wives were expected to satisfy husbands far more then the converse, which is a shame - it should go both ways.  However, in recent decades, we've moved to a model where 'if both people want s*x, they should have it, nobody is expected to have s*x, everyone can take care of their own needs'.

    So basically, from a 's*x is normal' model to a 'masturbation is normal, s*x is a fun thing that happens' model.  

    Note that I'm not against masturbation, I'm just not sure that a relationship is best sustained by independant masturbation.  Masturbation has always - and will always - involved a lot of fantasy, and frankly p**n is just an aid to that, one that is now easier to access.  Married men might not have gone to the trouble of buying and hiding p**n, but now can just download it.

  8. The Internet has made it easy to get, which does help the usage become "normal," but I think it's more a by-product than anything else.  Pornography has been around for hundreds of years actually.  The difference is, now you're considered weird to not support it, at least if you're a man (and it's becoming increasingly so for women).  

    Morals have changed.  In most cases, moral standards have been lowered, or disappeared completely.  I think that has more to do with it than anything.

  9. I think it has been "normal" for a long time, but people are simply more open to discussing it now because they are no longer labeled a "pervert" for doing so.

  10. Because men age.

  11. Probably a lot of factors.  The internet, social & moral decay, people want instant gratification, strong lobbying on behalf of pornography, maybe a more mobile society (more people are isolated, lonely?) and probably other reasons.  

    Several problems emerge from too much p**n-children might see it on the internet/TV.  And are women more disrespected because of it?

  12. easy.

    s*x drive overtakes wisdom.


  14. It's "something else."

    People who consume pornography--now known to be a LARGE fraction of the general population--no longer put up with declarations of 'acceptable/unacceptable' from those who detest pornography.  We aren't asking for your approval.  We don't care.

    As for the 'prude' label . . . well, how is that greatly different from the attitude your question displays?  I disapprove of your disapproval.  But, please, go ahead and disapprove.  Just keep your hands off of my s**t, and I'll leave your pious rectitude alone.

    About intimacy:  do you suppose that a whacker or a vibrator-owner does not also seek intimacy?  That's kind of a leap, don't you think?  p**n isn't an intimacy thing; it's a sexual relief thing.  I have intimates.  I also subscribe to "Pork International Comix," to fill those idle hours when I am not playing bridge with intimates.

  15. It's an expression of sexual behavior. You should watch vh1's the Sexual Revolution. It explains lots of things to me.

  16. It's more acceptable because it's more accessible.  It's a normal thing for people to want to see . Now all you need to do is turn on your computer and you can get all the free p**n you want .

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