
Why has..................?

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why has teen pregnancy been such a scource of entertainment recently?

Like theres Juno and The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I meen Juno is fine but I feel like The Secret Life has crossed the line.




  1. Lol good question.

    It seems like teens are just laying down left right and center.

    They don't even think about what happenes after you spread you legs.

  2. well in a way they i guess teaching teen of what can happen if you get pregnant as a teen, but the secret life of an american teenager took it a bit to far, also is like telling a teen yea sure have s*x and have a baby, and i don't think is right, there other way to teach this and it doesn't has to be by a movie or a show on t.v

  3. you mean "ABORTION" ? just one of the few things teen pregnancy does to women...

  4. don't forget about Breaking Dawn too.

    It's just perverted americans trying to make money off of random people. Their problem.

  5. It pisses me off. Hollywood is glamorizing teen pregnancy and making teens think that it's ok. WHICH IT'S NOT! You guys haven't got the first clue as to what to do with a baby!! Jeez, I could go on about this forever but I'm gonna shut up.

  6. well i think, that it has become entertainment to teach kids that things can happen whether they want them to or not. and when these things happen it changes alot of things in your life. they are becoming popular, because alot of teens are pregnant and need something to relate to. most schools have had girls that are pregnant. and imm not saying all schools have. i personally dont think the secret life of the american teenager has crossed the line, because the girls that are pregnant need something to look at and relate to. and the show can help out some of the teens who are pregnant, and prevent otehrs from being pregnant.

  7. I think Juno is making fun of teen pregnancy; the Secret Life of the American Teenager is just dumb, you're right. Secret Life is trying to be like 7th Heaven.

  8. It has been glamorized by Hollywood and the media. It's cool to get knocked up at 13 14 or 15. Haven't you figured it out?

  9. Same reason violence, drama, and comedy have.

  10. There have always been movies (mostly lifetime) about teen pregnancy, but I agree that The Secret Life is bogus.  A whole show on it?  And it's not even realistic.  That whole show revolves around s*x, and teenagers DO have other things going for them.  s*x isn't their world.

  11. I've never seen The Secret Life (I live in England and we don't have it here), but I did watch Juno. I have a 15 year old friend who has just become pregnant at the moment. It's fair to say she's really frightened about it.

    I don't like all the perceptions people have over teenage mothers, like they suddenly assume they're S****y or easy. Have you ever read the poem "The Seduction" by Eileen McAuley? It's written about a teenage girl who believes lies told to her by teenage magazines and the media and believes she's in love as soon as a boy looks at her at a party. The boy buys her drinks to try and get her drunk and three months later she becomes pregnant. The poem ends with the verse:

    "Better to starve yourself, like a sick, precocious child,

    Than to walk through town with a belly huge and ripe,

    And better, now, to turn away, move away, fade away,

    Than to have the neighbours whisper that 'you always looked the type'"

    She's basically saying that if you were anorexic, or taking drugs or unemployed you'd be celebrated in society, whereas you'd be looked down on if you were pregnant underage.

    I think teenage pregnancy is a really controversial issue and I do think it should be dealt with in society, surely it's better to be talked about, made TV shows and films about than to have it be a taboo subject?

  12. I love how it's called The Secret Life of the AMERICAN Teenager

  13. WOW!!!!! your gona blame TV? why? kids dont have to watch that and shouldnt blame that its not true...and it actually teaches kkids how much trouble u will be in and how much you have to go though if you got pregnant! so even if u do watch The secret life... she says at the end to talk and that is preventabl ppl should never blame tv for getting knocked up! they got in thats bed and got pregnant could they have stoped it? (if not raped i mean) YEA they can so dont blame tv!

  14. Because it's reality. And it's drama, it's what makes them money.

    I mean, don't you see how much teens that are pregnant on here.

    They're trying to let people know what it's really like. And Secret Life of the American Teenager hasn't crossed the line, they are trying to show teens how difficult it is, and that teen pregnancy will happen especially if you don't use protection.

  15. im 19 and pregnant.

    They are showing it because teen pregnancy is happening more and more.


    and s*x causes pregnancy.

    im not saying children should be having s*x at a young age.

    but children are expose to it in all shorts of movies and BARBIEs and dolls.

    so to them its not what they think it is.

    these shows and movies are helpful to young teenagers.

    i think its showing all the options.

    I personally like the show The Secret Life. as a tv show.

    and it could help the younger teenagers that are getting pregnant and need help talking to there parents and what there options are for having the child.

    in my opinion.... ABORATION is not the answer.

    but they show adoption and help from parents.

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