
Why has "Point Road" in Durban, South Africa, been renamed after local hero, Mahatma Gandhi?

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ZXCV - Yes, I agree. I wasn't aware of Gandhi's inherent "classism" though, very interesting, thank you.




  1. Because there are already too many other roads and districts named after the World's favourite Furby. It was a choice between Gandhi or his brother Mahatma Coat.

  2. To honer the great man.

    Easy with the "K" word.


    Please cut the bull.

    Give us the proof.

    Your n**i rightwing links don't count?


    If its widely available then just give it.

  3. s****., sorry mate i cant agree with you on this one , Gandhi was a racist , he didnt like blacks , whites or even his fellow Indians , remember he came from India where the caste system was implented (apartheid by a different name in my opinion) so even when he came to SA , it was clear from many of his documented speeches and writings in his paper as well that he only wanted to uplift the lives of those in his own class/caste ,he wrote many letters to the authorities requesting better conditions for "certain groups" of indians only.(mostly the business men ) remember the indentured indian labourers were mostly uneducated and didnt see this and supported him. The only thing good about him was the non-violent manner in which he tried to achieve this.

  4. I don't have a problem with Mahatma Gandhi, but why not name a newly built road after him? Makes more sense and costs a whole lot less. Think of the number of people that could have been fed with the money it costs to change a name of a building or street. Stop renaming things and just name new streets or buildings after the heroes.

    Add: Zxcv, I didn't know that. Interesting info. Thanks.

  5. The African Neanderthal Coons are probably blithely unaware of what  Ghandi's stance was by calling a spade a spade as he rightfully did!

  6. I thought him getting a road name was fine ... but point road ... thats the worst rd in Durban, full of drugs and prostitutes. Thats how most of us remember it .... poor Ghandi supporters - knowing their hero is named after such an aweful place.

  7. Listen Bull, ZXCV and myself have been campaigning for many a year to have our hero have a road named after him.

    dont be like that bru


    I have stated in a previous question a few weeks ago that Indians are the biggest racists  haha

  8. The Indians also would like to have a road in Durban named after their hero.  Open a dictionary a get an explanation of the word "kaffirs" before you even call Black people Kaffirs.  By the way they are ruling now and you simple don't have a choice. Moron!

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