
Why has the Bush administration been unable to kill or capture Osama bin Laden?

by Guest33140  |  earlier

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Why has the Bush administration been unable to kill or capture Osama bin Laden?




  1. The only place where Osama is still alive is on this site. In Asia he is dead and has been for almost a year. He was murdered.

  2. I think the guy is a myth whome was alive awhile back but had failing kidneys and is now kept alive by look alikes and the people who supported him.Point is only his memory and those who followed him keep him alive trying to intimidate others.Think about what Sadam did he tried to scare everyone into thinking he had chemical wepons this was his only way to have so called power over others, it was just a myth and I would bet that Bin Laden is as of now a myth as well, only a tool used by the ones left to strike fear in others and have some sense of power.

  3. they are not looking for him they do not want to anger his family close personal friends by the way with bringing him in

  4. it appears that way. but some people say he drives a cab in New York City

  5. because he doesn't exsist.  he's just a personality developed by the taliban.


  6. Because Clinton let him go before Bush was elected.  Plus, we don't know if he is dead or not.  For all we know, he could have been killed in a bombing run and just not positively identified.

  7. because America is incompetent

  8. I believe they already have him in custody. They are using him to make videos just to keep this "war" on terrorism alive.

    Why? To keep an extended presence in the Middle East and to distract the American people away from other more "mundane" domestic issues. Example:

    Reporter: Mr. Bush, why are there so many homeless people in America.

    Bush: Because they aren't working. Now leave me alone, I have to go and direct the ever more important war on terrorism!

  9. I control the pitiful Bush administration. Osama will be found when he is no longer any use to me. Be afraid, fight on.

  10. I don't know. Lets ask Rosie O'Donnell...

  11. Easy..

    1 - they HAD him cornered... as everyone in the world knew... the USA had the 'host' country as an Ally and might have cornered off that area, and turned over every rock for as long as it took to ferret him out.. and they blew it. THAT had to be one of the worst MILITARY failures of ALL-TIME to simply catch/kill 1 person that's in a near-exact geography and let him escape on an auto or a freaking donkey. NOT nearly as much has been made of this.. fact... even by our mindless media & the Democrats (who constantly underestimate the intelligence of the American people)... and there should have been a Congressional Investigation beyond Abu Gharab, and how one soldier/Ariz. NFLer was killed by 'friendly fire' etc. when OSAMA escaped.. that was pathetic.

    2. Beyond any rationalization that would ensue, as an excuse (propaganda, etc.) OBL is tough to catch, because the locals are protecting him and that the Pakistan & USA gov't reach just doesn't extend in those hellish badlands, where EVERYone is an outside, and without a full-blown 40,000 strong invasion.. after a needle in a haystack... nothing will ever happen, there.

    The USA is comfortable that he is contained. Alive, but contained.. our strategy seemed to hope he died from a bad kidney -- but that didn't happen, either. Basically, we're waiting for him to "come out" and he just hasn't. Its like he's serving a prison sentence there vs. the Death Penalty -- and that suits the DNCers just fine, too, since they'd be against killing him, anyhow.

    This chapter should he remembered as poorly as Custer's Last Stand for our military.

  12. i thought america is the most powerful government or administration in th world, they had won a lot of wars, lot of CIAs, but still they cant find Bin Laden....and because of that, it made me think that they know where Osama is, its just that they dont wnt to capture him, maybe because they're hiding something from us....they just let the public think that they do all their best to find it, but i dont think they had a plan of capturing him or anything because maybe Bin Laden knows something from the government that the government wants to protect to avoid the public knows about their "dirty little secret"...

  13. because they aren't looking for him

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