
Why has the EU become such a dominant force in the world economy in such a short time?

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Why has the EU become such a dominant force in the world economy in such a short time?




  1. Says who? Yes, there exports are surpassing ours, and the Euro is much stronger, but they're not occupying countries all over the world now, are they? Besides, the UK has a tighter pact with us than Europe, and they're the real power over there.

    But I don't see people referring to London as the New Manhattan (which is actually the new old London), but I cannot deny that London does have the ability to go back, especially since they're leading in energy alternatives.

    All I can sy is that our economy is under a mild downturn that doesn't provide foreign investors the stability they need to confidently do business with us. But just wait, Europe's gonna feel the pinch too.

  2. its psychological, combined they have clout, assets, mutual trading partners...extremely intelligent notion turned reality

  3. They finally started working together.

  4. errr...the EU includes countries that have been dominant forces in the world economy since like the 16th century...

    Germany, France and Italy have been amongst the 8 first economic powers (in terms of GDP) since quite a while, and to these you can add smaller but also economically strong countries like the Netherlands, or more recently booming like Spain.

    To this you can add emerging countries from the former east block which have recovered from "shock therapies" (Poland,...).

    Before the Euro, Germany had the strongest currency in the world (the Mark), and part of the deal for Germany was that they were to accept a common currency only if it was as tightly managed as the DM was (which explains why the European Central Bank is very keen on curbing inflation, and a lot less keen on promoting growth).

    So I don't really know what you mean by "short time"...

  5. One of the reason is that they are not trying to control the world, wasting money and even lifes like the US goverment does, they are working together in a more efficient way not forgetting their own people, like in here, by the way the stronghest economy in Europe is Germany, not the uk, there are just some US puppets that don't even use the EURO. Check this page have a lot of interesting and curious facts that may help you check who is who in the world ,

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