
Why has the Replubican VP pick split reality between the parties?

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So from what I can gather either McCain just won himself the election in a landslide or he put the nail in the coffin of his demise. Why don't you people just agree one one? Will the vice president even make all that big a difference anyways?

Oh and don't be a stupid fanboy if your gonna make claims back them up




  1. I think like many people are saying its risky, on one hand it will bring many old school conservatives that may have not been on board with Mccain on board.  On the other hand it brings serious questions as to whether she has enough experience as the governor of a lightly populated state.  The democrats will likely bring up her investigation for abuse of power.  In my opinion the reason it has brought so much attention is A. She is a woman (although it certainly shouldn't) B. Her lack of eperience  and C.  Mccain's age and health history, she gets the presidency if he passes away

  2. I think it helped him immensely. McCain has gained endorsments he could not get prior to choosing her. He has effectivly energized the conservatives with Palin as his VP. He may pull in some more women but probably not the die hard democrats. James Dobson had said a long time ago he would never endorse McCain, he is doing so now. Like it or not he reaches alot of people, he just pulled a huge block of voters to McCain. I wa svoting for Mccain anyway, but Palin makes it easier for me. This country is so evenly split politically, its going to be a tight race no matter who wins. There will be no landslide for either man, no matter what some are saying.  

  3. McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA in picking a mayor from Alaska as his vp.lmao  

  4. I believe that she is a smart, independent woman that during her term as governor has done wonders for the budget and educational reform in Alaska =]

  5. He gave Obama the election and here's why...The core of the republican party is white christian males and he selected a woman who would most likely become president as McCain doubtfully can handle the stress of the presidency. People would be seriously concerned with a woman handling that enormous responsivility. Many of the core base will stay home or hold their noses and vote Obama. The first rule of politics is to never diss your core base and McCain did just that.

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