
Why has the USA been historically resistant to free universal health-care (genuine question)?

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My limited knowledge tells me that American governments traditionally regarded free universal healthcare as bad because it was 'socialist'. But at the same time, no US government has been opposed to free universal education (which is surely even more of a 'top-down' social policy than free healthcare)

Can somebody enlighten this ignorant Brit?




  1. A lot of money is put into publicizing tales of poor quality and long waits for care in other countries.

    The Republicans are pro business and the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are their backers.  Their media, talk radio and Fox news, and several newspapers and columnists, make sure to smear universal health care at every turn.

    ""Today on Fox News’s Your World With Neil Cavuto, National Review Online columnist Jerry Bowyer attacked Michael Moore’s movie SiCKO and its positive portrayal of the health care in countries such as Britain and France. He argued that national health care systems are breeding grounds for terrorists because they are “bureaucratic.” “I think the terrorists have shown over and over again…they’re very good at gaming the system with bureaucracies,” said Bowyer.""

  2. Cost + government red tape = recipe for disaster.

  3. because it was affordable here before our government stepped in during the 60's and started putting unneeded legislation on it

    we had more people who could afford health care in the 60's than we do now . when it was a free market system

    but we have strayed and are already a quasi socialist state right now

    they will end up shoving it down our throats though , but watch them forget the dental

    that's the way our lazy short sighted Representatives roll

  4. Local government education was started   in  colonial time and so is part of our traditions but is still being attacked by some Conservatives favoring voucher programs to replace it. Because we are much More diverse  than most countries all social welfare programs are relatively unpopular because we do not see them  as helping us but as helping "them".

  5. several reasons,one is it is unconstitutional,two is we have a free market system and three the AMA has a stranglehold on the medical profession.

  6. Because of quality of care more than whether or not it's "socialist".  America wanted to try and maintain a certain level of quality in healthcare.   Our system has been falling down in that regard though but it's still no where near as bad as it is in places with universal healthcare such as Canada and many countries in Europe.

  7. Here's an example of why you don't want the government to run a national program: Social Security.

  8. The AMA + the health insurance industry + the pharmaceutical industry + all of their lobbyists

  9. bonshui to know why universal healthcare provided  by the government is unconstitutional you need to read the 10th amendment to the constitution.  it says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    until the 1900's education was solely a private matter left to the states and people, the federal government had no involvement and it was not mandatory.  i am not sure when it became involved but i know in the 70's the money the federal government spent on education skyrocket, and since then we have had poorer and poorer education standards.

    therefore, since no where in the constitution does it say that the federal government shall provide for healthcare in america, it is an issue left to the states, and the people.  for the federal government to provide this is unconstitutional.

    and universal free education provided by the federal government IS unconstitutional.  thats why politicians who read and understand the constitution oppose government mandated healthcare and education.  people like ron paul and bob barr and the late harry browne.

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