
Why has the format of my replies to YahooGroups changed?

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I receive my YahooGroup's digests as individual emails in my Yahoo account. When I want to reply to a thread, I click on reply, delete anything I don't want to quote, type my reply, and hit send, as with any regular email. The email goes to the Group and is sent out. In this last week or so, the format of the quoted material in my Group emails has gone weird. Each word is listed in a separate line, almost like a strange haiku. I have not changed any settings in my email account. The only thing I can think of that I have done differently is to add the new security seal Yahoo just made available. Any ideas?




  1. some times a bot or an owner changes settings to Fully Featured New & Improved! and many times, you see what you described with that mail setting. I'd go take a look and see if you're on traditional or the new and improved.

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