
Why has the media smeared Condi Rice and her awesome accomplishments, but ignored Obama's corruption and lies?

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Why has the media smeared Condi Rice and her awesome accomplishments, but ignored Obama's corruption and lies?




  1. Because the media is as liberal as you can get!

  2. Because she's a proven liar.  Watch CNN instead of Fox once in awhile.

  3. She is just sort of boring.

  4. Simple. Because the mainstream media is left-wing. Some of the papers and networks are almost extreme Liberal. For example the New York Times is so left-wing, that they don't care if they alienate and lose 50% of their subscribers so that they can keep pushing their left wing agenda.

    Of course AM talk radio is the exact opposite. Some hosts are so right wing that they are blinded and cannot acknowledge any "good points" that the left can have. These millionaire talk show hosts are completely disconnected from the working class and cannot understand that people are concerned about health care, are losing jobs, or that the oil companies can be evil. These talk show hosts actually believe this economy is booming.

  5. The media is owned by very weathy people, and these people like Obama. During the primaries, I say so much about Barrack, but very little about Clinton. These private stations show only good for the person they support and the bad stuff for the person they do not like.

  6. To which accomplishments of Condi Rice's do you refer? She has zero credibility in the Middle East, where the Bush administration has focused most of its foreign policy energy.

  7. very simple, the media is owned by the Liberal left

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