
Why has the price of oil has increased? What do the governments of the world need to do?

by Guest57130  |  earlier

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any advice on some good websites or opinions??

Thanks a bunch




  1. I am playing big on oil trading. I’m from Morgan Stanly, or Goldman & Sachs, or any big firms on the Wall Street.

    I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $135 a barrel. (Please tell nobody:  one day on Jan. Goldman & Sachs traded a volume of barrels = US one years import in volume)

    So here is my difficulty:

    Congress is now investigating on oil speculation, I am afraid of being caught.  But if I sell them right now, I would end up with little or no profit since the trading fees and hedge fund managing cost are not cheap.

    I already request my agents send  the spin out to the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ”   But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.

    So my question is this:  How do I corner the market price up in time so not to get caught by Congress.?

    For your info:   Prof. Michael Greenberger’s testimony before Senate makes me very nervous.  He said: ‘If speculation were reined in and trading rules tightened, the cost of crude oil could drop 25 percent.”

    My lobby firm can work Republican party to stall passing the laws, but I am not sure for how long. I am very fearful and worried. What are the options for me ? Please advise.

  2. Half of our money paid at pump goes to Wall Street speculators. And we can not hear or read main media reporting them. We are kept in the dark

    “Testifying to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management said that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal cost of around $65 to $75 a barrel, about half the current $135.”

  3. The price of oil has increased therefore thats why gas prices has gone up. It isn't going down anytime soon according to the media. However their is an aletrnative this guy Oliver South convereted his BMW to water gas fuel. He has a video that shows step by step how anyone can do this. There is also a review website that I found in my research that covered  a few other companies that are doing the same thing. You might want  to check the review site at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c...

  4. The price of oil has increased because of the increase of speculators.  Speculators have artificially driven up the price for a barrel of oil.  The current demand for oil does not support the price.   Yes China is a huge consumer of oil, but in terms of consumption, the demand has only risen maybe one percent.

    You can thank the FED for debasing our dollar.  They have been printing dollars like monopoly money, which in turn causes inflation.  Inflation is clearly seen in the recent rise of commodities.  

    Governements need to invest in other reliable sources of energy.  They need to encourage people to use other methods of transportation.  They also need to thank the Bush Administration for the current oil prices.  We´ve (Americans) become so dependent on oil that many blame OPEC, when really our broken government is at fault.

  5. the government today is corrupted. they put high prices on anything. but in my opinion i think its because resources like oil is decreasing. the governments need to to find an organized way to distribute and price oil. the government put high prices now because they realize that earth's vital resources are running out. dont u notice everything and everyone turning is green to help save the earth?

  6. who cares ! but do glad to see high gas prices in the US & it will be even higher by the end of the year. HAHA. It's time to see so many americans suffer from it. Good job OPEC, keep it up! LOL!!!

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