
Why has the radical left lost confidence, and now resorts to the invasion of minor children's medical privacy?

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  1. Sarah Palin chose to run for this office and chose to share this "private medical information" with the country.

  2. what a crock, the GOP would be all over this if it was on the table

  3. @QuestionGuy: Who are the "they" that you're referring to?...The more WE learn about her, the more we LIKE her

    If you're referring to the Democrats, the fact that they like her less and less, proves that she's the right choice for the Republicans

  4. Because if they stick to the issues they can't win!

  5. I think people are uncomfortable with a VP candidate they know less about than Screech from Saved By The Bell:

    And the more they learn about her, the more they question her skills and experience.  That's perfectly reasonable.

  6. you are a fool to place all blame over the pregnancy thing on "the radical left".  So, i geuss there are no republcans that are talking about Bristol Palin.  its only democrates.  The media started this tornado and now people are gonna talk about it.  Thats the way it always is.  get over it all ready.  and btw, McCain burried himself by choosing Palin.  

  7. They are grasping at straws. They were so surprised by the nominee that they couldn't hide their true colors anymore. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

  8. Because they are sick and soulless.  I am so glad I left the Democratic party.  They are an embarrassment, and I want nothing to do with them!!!!

  9. They are mad because she didn't have an abortion.

  10. It wasn't the "radical left" that told the world their daughter was pregnant.  If you want a pregnant teen to be ridiculed, step into the national spotlight with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, pro-abstinence only education stance.. Her mother set her up for this.

  11. Because it's an example of the hypocrisy behind abstinence only education. Teenagers (even teenagers from good families with Christian values) have s*x. s*x education is certainly an issue and relevant to the political discourse.

    A lot of us, myself included, didn't wait until we were married to have s*x. Using contraceptives is important. We can clearly see the statistics regarding education, income, and welfare for children who get pregnant before graduating high-school.  

  12. SARAH PALIN is an incompetent, negligent mother. This is not about the child. This is about a MOTHER who couldn't be troubled with her underage daughter because she was too busy being a celebrity. If you can't trust SARAH PALIN to take proper care of her daughter, how the h**l can you trust her with a nation?

  13. Nice try, but Sarah Palin told McCain that her daughter was pregnant.

    Now go wipe that GOP kool-aid off your chin!

  14. It was not the Dems who "invaded the medical privacy" of a minor.

    First it was the GOP, then the press.

    It was Obama who declared it a subject not fit for political discussion.

    Look, the "medical privacy" of a teen whose mother is the Surprise of the Year has a real short life anyway; how long could the "secret" be kept? Human nature being what it is, EVERYBODY is talking about it.

    It's a scandal, and everybody loves scandals, it spices up the day and makes us feel better about ourselves.

    And l do think it's relevent since this candidate- who may well become pres if her party wins- is running under the guise of being squeaky clean.

    The problem with sqeaky clean is that it makes noise, thus draws attention to itself.

    On the other hand, let she who is holier cast the first pacifier...

  15. Its like what you said, radicals! both sides have them and we just have to accept them for what they are.

  16. They're scared of Sarah Palin, and desperate to find a way to discredit her.

  17. It is the irony that she represents those who are against birth-control and s*x-ed and are for abstinence only.

    And, I guess it didn't work. And that is what everyone is all over.

    I do feel bad for that girl... could you imagine how she feels???

  18. No, this has nothing to do with Obama. She's in the spotlight, therefore media will pick her apart. She set herself up for this. She's be portrayed as this perfect mother and I guess everyone is trying to figure out who she really is. All her ducks are not in a row like she led on. I could careless what her daughter does. Either way, I still do not see how she can relate to my lifes issues. She's a woman, but so what. I need more than that. She has not connection with the neighborhood I grew up in and the issues faced there. All she does is have baby after baby and feed them animals she shoots. The only animals in my backyard are pigeons. She's irrelevant to my life.

  19. Because the liberal mantra is: by whatever means necessary.


  20. No loss of confidence, hypocrisy from the right. Don't preach moral superiority and have the same problems as anyone. I haven't seen anyone putting the child down but the mother should have taught her and given her options like birth control pills or condoms we all know kids will make mistakes. Abstinence is not real, it doesn't work.

  21. They are running scared. I wish all of you libs would remember the postings for the last couple of days. Implying her brother is actually her son, implying incest... Yes, that IS an attack on the poor kid. sideways, but still an attack. Now a great number of you are in denial. Many have even planned, and some have carried out, violence at the RNC. Throwing bags of cement at arriving buses, spraying people in the face with bleach... how could that sort of behaviour possibly be defended.

    I am glad I switched to the republican party. Even more so now that I see all this.

    And for those who keep saying Sarah brought up her daughter... It was because of all those postings all over the web. It was necessary to protect her daughter, you numbskulls.

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