
Why has the shambolic, shameful performance of the Portuguese police escaped criticism from the anti McCanns?

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Has any police force in any democratic country ever failed so miserably as that of the Portuguese in the McCann inquiry?

They accuse 3 innocent people without a scintilla of evidence and now the officer originally in charge has the nerve to cash in on his pathetic failure by writing a book.

All the time little Maddy remains lost, my God what a shower!!!




  1. they would not have had to look for her if her pitiful excuses for parents had not left their children alone

  2. Can't remember the McCanns helping the police with their enquiries?

    They are the parents too.....

    edit : What have you read that convinces you that they are innocent of any wrong doing? link please.

    Oh can you provide a link where it gives proof of an Abductor?

  3. To a point I agree with you but I don't think anyone has seen the full police report what we have been fed are bits and pieces. This case is now so deep in its own muck I don't think the truth will ever be found.

    Personally I don't think the McCann's are totally innocent and you will never convince me of that.  

    The third person should never have been accussed in the first place a lot of supposition on everyones parts there and the finger pointing of the McCanns friends.   Too busy trying to cover their own backs for the child neglect they had all been involved in during that holiday for which none of them have been question or charged, one rule for the rich and one for the poor as they say !!

    The McCann's friends did not tell one straight story and the timelines don't match !  If they had been honest in the first place then maybe the child would have been found.   I don't think she is alive as most cases like this end in the childs death.

    The photos and videos of the suppossed child in shops etc its obvious its not Madelaine McCann and any good specialist would have spotted that a mile off.

    The media are now fitting the case yet again to their purposes. First it was pointed at the McCanns and now its at the Police in Portugal.

    This will forever be one of those mysteries that sticks in peoples minds.

    As I have said throughout this don't forget as we sit typing and reading there are hundreds of children throughout the world going missing. They don't have high profile supporters to bring their cases to the worldwide forum.  

    Stop and take five minutes what can you do for the rest of those children  Madelaine McCann was only one in a very large pond.  

    EDIT : I didn't say I was anti McCann!! I said I agreed with you to a point and made some observations conclude from that what you will.  My point is and was that ,as shown by your reply to me this case has got so fogged up in its own myths no one I repeat no one knows the truth.  

    And there are still hundreds of children out there who have not crossed anyones mind since this case started..  I don't know the truth I along with many others have an opinion.

    I am anti McCann on the point that if they were acting like responsible parents on the night in question non of us would be here now exchanging words because there would not have been a missing child to discuss. That is the point I make to do with them they neglected a child and look what happened.

  4. As Big Momma quite rightly pointed out, the only hard fact we have is that these 2 parents left their their small children alone whilst they could have made use of a baby-sitting service.  These actions alone allowed whatever tragic events happened that night to happen.

    No-one except the perpetrator knows exactly what has happened to this poor little girl.

    So yes we can all criticise the parents, their friends, the police, the media etc, but it doesn't change the fact we don't have a clue what happened that night.

    I am shocked that this policeman has written a book about this case so quickly.  If he was a decent man, he wouldn't feel the need to write a book and make money off this case.  I understand he wants to perhaps clear his name as his actions are being called into question but this is the wrong way to do it.

  5. The internet haters have some responsibility here. They made the Portugese police think the McCanns were "guilty" of something, this says a lot about the Portugese police

  6. Well to be honest its a bit rich holding the police responsible when it was the McCanns who lost the child.

    Perhaps if they didnt go out and leave the children alone in the first place they wouldnt be in this position .

    I find it childish & imature to blame others for our mistakes. As humans we are responsible for our own actions :)

  7. Multi-tasking anti-McCanns?Can't see it.

  8. It's called blame the victim. No they should not have left the children but that is no excuse for the abductor or the lackadaisical performance of the local police  

  9. Have you ever witnessed the Portuguese police in action, I think not. For if you had you would know that they are more than up to the task. Having your investigation thwarted at every turn must be very frustrating and especially when the orders are coming in from way above your head. Had this been the case in England the press and public would be all over it like a rash. The thing that bothers me is that the orders albeit indirect came from this country. So now will you kindly explain why the press and public are not asking for an explanation.

    No the Portuguese did not make a hash of it, they were stopped short of getting those responsible.

    When it comes to making cash when will we get my life with the Mc Canns by Clarence bloody Mitchell, available in hard back and sindicated by the press. Or do you think he's doing his grubby little job for free.

  10. Why has the shameful and shocking behaviour of the Mc's escaped McFanns like you? The Mc's were the ones who neglected their children, they were the ones who messed up the DNA scene and they were the ones who have deliberately hindered the investigation. Not the actions of loving parents and the Mc's might have had their 'official' status removed but they still are and always will be 'suspects' until the truth about Madeline is exposed and justice is served.

  11. I have to agree with simm101. The Portuguese police amassed thousands of pages of evidence, indicating that the investigation was carried out diligently despite lack of cooperation by the McCanns and the Tapas 7. All that's happening now is that Clarence Mitchell is carefully selecting t*t bits in order to criticise the investigation and discredit the detectives. So far he seems to be clutching at straws and those who take the time to analyse the situation will not be convinced by him.

  12. I get the feeling the police are corrupt over there.  It's apparently not the first time a child has went missing where they have tried to point the blame at the parents.  

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