
Why has the web site changed? I am unable to find anything I search for.?

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Why has the web site changed? I am unable to find anything I search for.?




  1. just go to descover at top left of page and ur there

  2. If you're using Yahoo! as your search engine, or any site for that fact as your search engine, any updates to the page itself will not affect your search status.  I work with web design and trust me, nothing is different...Make sure you are typing in the actual search box and not the address bar.  If you are really having problems, send me an e-mail and give me error messages you are receiving or any other unwanted sites you are directed to.  Just because the look is different, doesn't mean the functionality changes.  I deal with this all day long and find it ironic that this question was actually listed up here...LOL  or if you want, just tell me what you're searching for and I'll find it for you...

  3. Websites change all the time. The creator of the website updates it and makes changes. But I can't really help in specifics if you don't say what the website is.

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