
Why has there been little coverage of the Ireland floods?

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Why has there been little coverage of the Ireland floods?




  1. I think the Georgia/Russia issue and the Olympics are regarded by the media as more important at the moment. These are stories that a large percentage of the GB population would be interested in.

    There might have been more coverage of the floods if there had been fatalities, but thankfully, no one was killed or injured during the freak downpours we have had in the last few days.

    My friend had to be rescued from her car (which ended up buried up to its' roof in water) by her Dad and his tractor. The road she was travelling on was swamped by a river of water that appeared out of nowhere.

    Northern Ireland got 75% of the rain that would be expected in the whole month of August in just 12 hours and a lot of homes in Antrim and Down have been very badly affected.


  2. I live in Belfast and the floods were mad. I remember last year there were floods in England and it was top headline everyday. I dont know why there is not much national coverage but people nearly lost there lives!

  3. Well, I guess since there was no apparent loss of life etc.

    Also British papers are notoriously biased so in this case Ireland was not considered interesting enough.

  4. Cos it didn't happen in the South East of England- and the nearer to London the more important it is !!!

    Very sad but true as far as the tv news is concerned.

  5. as others have said, if it does not affect the main media centre of london and the south east of england then it will get little coverage.

    All the media studies luvvies are fixated on Georgia and the olympics too. I must say the BBC radio news did give it a mention,and it was alo featured on teh BBC news website.

    My local paper the "Hull Daily Mail" gave it a mention because of the links with our own flooding last year.

    My sincere sympathy for anyone in N.I. affected by the recent floods

  6. They're just floods that happen every 10 years or so , no big deal, no deaths so ther'se not much to report

  7. Couldn't agree more than with Polly.

    It's also a shame that it doesn't make a good "news" item unless there's 'loss of life'.

  8. Because if it doesn't involve England or the U.K, it really doesn't matter - especially with ITV News.

    Last year, it flooded in Ireland the day before the English floods, and was that mentioned?

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