
Why has this administration not given special forces the 'green light' to attack Al Queda in Pakistan.

by Guest32810  |  earlier

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  1. They only attack countries with little to no real defenses (nukes) and who Israel also seems interested in attacking

  2. That would expose the US-CIA Pakistani Intel scam of funding and hiding al Queada, would it not?

    Benazir Bhutto said, on TV, that bin Laden had been murdered. That week she was assassinated.

    Surely her claims, as a former Pakistani PM should be investigated fully.

  3. You're kidding me, right? Pakistan is a soverign country and an ally.  That would be like the US invading Canada.

  4. The same reason, we haven't given the FBI the green light to arrest terrorist in Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Japan.

    You do not do things like that, to nations you want international relations with.

    In the case you pointed out, that would be the same as a declaration of war against Pakistan.

    You surely wouldn't say we should authorize the Special Forces to hunt Taliban or Al-Quada in Germany or France.

    So what makes Pakistan any different ?

  5. Pakistan has Nukes

  6. Pakistan is a soveriegn country, which alone give merit to not attacking.

    This is a very tenuous situation when it comes to attacking the radical villages in the frontier of Pakistan. The Government would be in risk if they placate to much to the West, yet they want these terrorists gone as well. A thin Tight Rope.

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