
Why has this happened?

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I supposedly have bipolar disorder. This pisses me off. I want to be able to live, and maybe i want to have a life that i have always wanted to have, and not just settle for what i feel like i "can do with the disease" because it causes me less stress or whatever. I am so sick of feeling that i can't accomplish what i really really want because i am sick. I just hate that it is that way. My parents are unsupportive and i can't stand that either. Maybe im just really really really angry. No, I know that i am angry. I feel like it should just go away and then i could be who i really want to be.




  1. There are a lot of high functioning bipolar individuals. You can accomplish whatever you want.

    Take a look at some famous bipolar individuals at

  2. take your meds.  It sounds like you might be depressed, as well.  Meds can work.

  3. Ellie,

    I totally know where you're coming from. I'm bipolar too, and that's how I feel. And I feel like a failure. I'm a single mom of two kids, and I have trouble keeping them on medicaid because picking up a phone, going to an appointment, etc, is just more then I can handle sometimes. My meds help a lot, but they don't take away all of my symptoms, and I don't WANT to have to take pills for the rest of my life.

    I was grown when I was diagnosed but I went through some of the same support issues. I had people tell me I just needed to deal. My ex husband included. It sux, it's NOT fair, but it's what we were dealt. I guess it could be worse, at least we don't see one eyed one horned flying purple ppl eaters lol

    I hope this gets easier for you over time, and I hope your parents start being more supportive. Good luck.

  4. darlin' I think the real disease is in your head.If you don't want to be bipolar,then don't.  Live your life how you want to.  Only you can let other people tell you what to do.

  5. the other day i was looking at my pictures from the past... it brought me back bad memories... i noticed in each picture that i been unhappy, angry... i thought to myself, i spent all these 20 years in anger over  stupid things... i decided that i will no longer have things upset me.. cuz who knows how long i will live... 20 years from now.. i want to have pictures of me where i was truly happy... that's how i sometimes deal with anger... remember if things don't seem to work for you... you can always trick your mind to be happy, the possitive side.. don't let depression from living your beautiful moments... you deserve all the happeness in the world darlin'!

  6. All bipolar means is that you have to take meds to stablize, just as someone with high blood pressure or diabetes has to take meds.  You can still have a great life, and you can still do wonderful and exciting things.  What is it that you think you can't accomplish because of the bipolar disorder?

  7. You are no more defined by having Bipolar than a person that has diabetes.

    A person that has diabetes has to take their meds and watch what they eat. Other than that they can do whatever they want too.

    Only you can sell yourself short. Some of the most creative and famous people in the world have had Bipolar disorder. Google it.

    Only you can write the words on the page. Your book is unwritten.

    Also, have you considered cognitive therapy? You may have Fu*k radio on in your head telling you all this stuff. Once you get rid of the thoughts you can get rid of the feelings.

  8. you are not alone at all over over half the population either has depression or there bipolar

    bipolar means u can switch faster your happy one second then snap either your mad or depressed

    just need to find a balance

    try to meditate  

  9. Well, it might not be bipolar you know? Are you constantly changing moods?

    You need to calm down... see your doctoc.

    You might not even have any disease at all, probably jsut something that comes and go...

  10. I hear ya. I'm 36 and it's been 12 years since I became ill. I have 6 doctors for 6 different medical problems...all without cures. I have a little meds to take but I have to take it because it's allowing me to function normally.

    Are you sure you're bipolar? Make sure you go to a doc that can correctly diagnose you and then find out what options you have in treatments. There are all kinds of treatment and meds for bipolar and other disorders. Being on meds has it's drawbacks but it isn't so bad,,,especially when it works the way it's supposed to.

    A disease or disorder can limit it you sometimes....but no one says you have to let it rule you. Do whatever you want. what do you want to do that being bipolar won't allow you to do? I can't think of anything. I know alot of bipolar people...including my cousin...who are doing all kinds of things. The limitations for them have been small if at all.

    I guess it's like when I was diagnoses with multiple sclerosis. They said I could progress quickly to a wheelchair or I would have to use canes or maybe I wouldn't be able to funciton at all. Sure, I'm having alot of problems and I havne't accomplised even half of what I want to do but I ended up going to a neurologist who specialized in MS and I met people with it. Everyone was different. Some people were in chairs but they could do anything a person on two feet could do. The disease is different for everyone.

    Maybe if you find a doc who can positively diagnose you and talk to you about treatment and treat you like a human instead of a number, this will make all the difference.Anger is good sometimes. Use it to find a good doc and don't take no for an answer.
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