
Why has undersea internet cable channels been cut in the Middle East?

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The news of the multiple acts of cable sabotage have been reported in the Middle East region (all the way to India) from the rest of the world.

With the Internet down, it will be impossible for anyone to transmit out of the visually-embargoed zone, except for those who have satellite uplinks, like the major news networks, who are operating on Israeli cables. The depth of cut Middle East cables, which could only be reached by submarine or deep submersibles, means that it could not have been done by al Qaida the "toilet," which doesn't have a navy, or a submarine.

Could the cable cutting have been the work of other more powerful military forces?




  1. The public reason that we see in the Associated Press stories is that a ship's anchor dragged bottom in that area and might well have been the cause.

    I have no information about whether the suspected anchor-dragger was a minion of the USA, UK, Egypt, or some other sea-going nation since I don't know that the authorities have identified the culprit yet.

    While it absolutely COULD have been done on purpose, one of your statements IS incorrect.  There are several spots where the cables aren't that deep due to taking advantage of some natural ship channels near land.  The cut is believed to have occurred in a relatively shallow spot where an anchor-drag would be possible.

    I agree that it is not likely that Al-Qaeda did it.  They rely too heavily on the Internet themselves to summarily break the cable that way.  They would lose one of their best ways of spreading news to their followers.  Most of what they do makes little sense, but this would be even dumber than normal for them.

  2. Sorry, but your conspiracy is true, but they were fine with it being public. Britain did it as economic sanctions.

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