
Why hasn't GW Bush been impeached?

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I know if I reported a crime, and that it was a hoax; that resulted in the deaths of thousands of human beings. I would be found guilty of thousands of counts of Manslaughter or Murder, and at the very least a false police report for which I would probably be jailed. How much more accountable should the president of the United States be?




  1. The kooks don't have the goods on him or he would be. It's all cockamaimie liberal noise. That's all.

  2. hanging would be the better and cheaper option for the rascal

  3. because he has not done anything that warrants impeachment.

    I don't know how much simpler I can put it.

    So I'll say it again--

    Bush has not done anything to be impeached for.

    Dims like to say such things as what your blathering about to get the votes of the ignorant

  4. As much as you pathetic Bush haters would just love this, you need to face the facts that there is nothing spelt out in the articles of impeachment that you can charge him with.

    You have assumed he lied and believed the lies of the liberal media.

    You have assumed that he did what he did with malice and knowing what you've found out  with 20 / 20 hindsight.

    If you really want to go after anyone, how about getting the fact right first then applying your case against that person ?

  5. Since he hasn't violated any law, there is no reason for impeachment.

    Your analogy is ridiculous, to put it politely.

  6. our government has betrayed the country..especially republicans but also democrats.  Its all a joke now.  They get to violate laws and rub our noses in it.  They even violate laws and then pass a law to say that the law breaking was not illegal.

  7. He hasn't broken any laws...  and you don't impeach a president for enforcing the first gulf war cease fire treaty.

  8. I don't know, maybe because he didn't commit a crime? I know that you and I have different views about the war in Iraq obviously, and I have no problem with your opinion, but hopefully you don't honestly think that because you are against a war, someone you disagree with should lose their job and go to jail.

    And for the first response, let's get real. Everyone knows that the media hates George Bush. Fox news is the only channel out of all news channels that says anything good about Bush at any time.

  9. Congress too lazy and too crooked themselves.

  10. You're right my friend, unfortunately no one seems to care anymore. I agree, Bush should be impeached for what he has done. Peace!

  11. because much of the media is owned by his friends,

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