
Why hasn't Germany or Japan flooded the market with electric cars?

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I know why Detroit can't compete (the u.s. congress and lobbyists) and seem the movie "who killed the electric car" but it doesn't explain why the Germans and Japan or even Korea hasn't brought in what we need. Maybe the Ruling Elite want China to do this? What the h**l is the holdup, I am ready to buy one today. I can still sell the gas gussler parked out back. I will write that sucker off as a business expense or something. Send me the simple, no frills and reliable little electric car. No more cross country trips. New lifestyle will be okay.




  1. Well, my guess is that the scientists are slow in figuring out how to make electric cars. But why not solar-powered cars?

  2. I really think somebody in the oil or car companies has to step up and answer this question. They are greedy and dishonest about something. There are ways to make cheaper and better cars that get 50 to 60 miles to the gallon. Just look at the old Honda CRX HF it got 50 miles to the gallon.

  3. Because they both have kick-*** public transportation systems.  Also, the environmental impact created by manufacturing a new electric car is much more damaging than a fuel efficient gas car recycled/used.

  4. Because you wouldn't be happy driving on the highway at 30 MPH. Get a hybrid like the Prius, you'll be much happier, I know I am...I get 50 miles to the gallon on mine. My Toyota dealer told me that just about the only cars they've been selling in the last few months are the hybrids..they can't keep them in stock. The others just sit there.

    EDIT: The technology is there but they can't make them or put them out too fast in the US because they have to sell all those gas guzzlers they have in stock first. The auto manufacturers are already in the red, they'd go totally bankrupt if they'd had to sell them all at a loss.

    Note to Forget War........ THE PRIUS IS NOT A PLUG-IN, it's a hybrid! Do your reseach instead of relying on hearsay.

  5. Last I heard they were still trying to figure out how best to adapt the plug in Prius to the necessities of US travel.

    However, the Chevy Volt won't be ready until 2010, which confuses me as to why they aren't pushing them out faster.

    Edit: Sam, they are working on Solar Powered Car.  The following links to my local Solar Car team.

  6. Because the Germans and Japanese know electric cars are not practical.

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