
Why hasn't God destroyed our Space Ships trying to reach The Heaven's?

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  1. I'm an atheist but we(America) have had two space shuttles be destroyed, the Challenger and the Columbia.

    Edit - I'm assuming I got thumbs downed for just saying I'm an atheist. Pretty sure I didn't get thumbs down for just adding that bit of information.

  2. It was the tower of Babel, not Babylon. This is what God said.

    Gen 1:28   God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals."


    This is what the people of the city of Babel said to each other:

    Gen 11:4   Let's build a great city with a tower that reaches to the skies-a monument to our greatness! This will bring us together and keep us from scattering all over the world."  


    You notice they were building the tower as a monument to their own greatness.


    Gen 11:5   But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.  

    Gen 11:6   "Look!" he said. "If they can accomplish this when they have just begun to take advantage of their common language and political unity, just think of what they will do later. Nothing will be impossible for them!  

    Gen 11:7   Come, let's go down and give them different languages. Then they won't be able to understand each other."  

    Gen 11:8   In that way, the Lord scattered them all over the earth; and that ended the building of the city.  

    Gen 11:9   That is why the city was called Babel,[fn2] because it was there that the Lord confused the people by giving them many languages, thus scattering them across the earth.  


    As you can see from reading God's word, he told them to multiply and fill the earth.


    Space Ships have nothing to do with it.

  3. Totally different.  Have you actually read that Bible account?  If you did, you would then know and wouldn't have to ask someone to tell you.

    *** I think you mean, Tower of BABEL.  Read that account.

    Babel’s God-defying program centered around construction of a religious tower “with its top in the heavens.” It was not built for the worship and praise of God, but was dedicated to false man-made religion, with a motive of making a “celebrated name” for the builders.—Genesis 11:4.

  4. because the point of the tower of babylon was to become greater than God. that's not what the point of our satellites and shuttles, or so i believe. plus, the babylonians expressly said that they were trying to beat God and we aren't really trying to do that.

  5. The government is doing what God will not scrapping the Shuttle program, however actual Space Ships will be built for a moon base project 2015 if congress can find the funds,  In God we trust

  6. Riiiiight...

    There were a few old farts back in the day who thought that space travel was evil, citing the Tower of Babel story, but I didn't believe them even when I was about 7. The tower incident had nothing to do with space travel since those people couldn't have conceived of the idea, and never would have made it anyway. I mean, God wouldn't have had to intervene there. Their own plans had them doomed from the drawing board. God told them to disperse and cover the globe, and they had all gathered in one spot, that was the real issue.  

  7. because the space ships are always off target, heaven is over the antarctic right next to Valhalla  

  8. If you didn't exist would you be able to blow stuff up.

  9. Uhhh. . . cause god doesn't exist?

  10. In Gen 11, God did not destroy the Tower of Babel.    

  11. Cause he's a cool dude, not an egomaniac who wants to be in total control of everything.

  12. heaven is un reachable by space ships heaven is a spiritual place not a physical place

  13. Being in the physical world and Heaven being a spiritual realm we can not reach it that way.

    PS it was the tower of babble.

  14. I personally think He's amused at our attempts. He's gotta get his entertainment from somewhere.

  15. People have been scattered.....there is no longer a commandment to scatter and fill the earth (a commandment disobyed by the builders in Gen 11)

  16. Um, what space ships are trying to get to heaven?  Edit your question with a link to the news reports you're looking at because I wanna see which country is stupid enough to fund a project like this.  I have never heard of it.

  17. I dont get it... The universe is infinite so... how can we ever reach heaven in one lifetime, but if he was to allow "our ships " to reach heaven and return with pictures wouldnt it be all the more reason to get close to him and want to get into heaven

  18. Wow, and religious people wonder why some people think they're nuts.

  19. God is not against space exploration. and.. to my knowledge, space ships do not have any religious agenda.


  20. The Tower of BABEL was an attempt by King Nimrod to become equal with God. Today God is the furthest thing from the minds of those who wish to explore space.

  21. We only went to Mars and back.  He knows there is no life anywhere so we couldn't do anything.  Also, it would be too hard to get to heaven in a spaceship---much too far!!!  (I believe).

  22. Since when has anyone launched a spaceship trying to reach heaven? :S

    Could imagine it now, NASA proclaiming "We are going to launch Soandso satellite to search for Heaven"

  23. The Tower of Babylon was destroy because all the people have the same thoughts, to build a tower to Heaven. So, God knew the intention of their heart, and because of that, He knew that they were going ahead with what they all have in mind because that was the desire of their heart. Do you know how many people would it died to find and get to heaven? That was a crasy idea. So, God  had to stop them.

    Today, men plan is not to reach heaven, and not all of them believe in God.

  24. ?

  25. One side, you can say he/she doesn't exist as a being but rather an idea. A way to answer questions or problems that have no die hard scientific evidence.

    Other side, God is in everyone. Why destroy human beings for being curious of whats out there. God looks upon us all and lets us freely do what we want. God itself does not judge but instead guides.

  26. He doesn't have to. Our pathetic attempts at reaching the Heavens is almost laughable. We finite humans dream big but produce small. But our arrogance keeps us trying to reach the unreachable.

  27. Who said he hasn't destroyed our spaceships trying to reach the heavens? Ever notice how a spaceship can only go a certain height in space before the airpressure gets too high? Well, that's how he prevents it.

  28. Your whole concept of "heaven" sounds like it is based on the flat-earth cosmology of the Bible. Get real. The Earth is spherical, there is no "up there," it is only "out there," and we're part of a wondrous and truly fabulous cosmos of enormous size and variety, but, as Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." (by "world" he meant what I mean when I say "the cosmos.")

  29. That's a good question.

    The story of Babel seems to indicate that people could really build a tower that would reach the dome of heaven and give them access there. If that wasn't the case, then why God's attack?

    But Christians will tell you that God wasn't happy with human arrogance (which, if the case, why would just a general unhappiness with human arrogance on the part of God cause him to reveal his wrath  at that time in that way - doesn't make a lot of sense does it).

  30. The Tower of Babylon story is told to teach about pride and arrogance, not because it was a technological achievement.  I think you're being silly on purpose.

  31. Man in his wickedness never learned from the tower of Babylon. Look at the few but devastating space shuttle disasters, Challenger and Columbia, to minor problems like a defective lens on the Hubble telescope. One day, Jesus will return and end all of the wickedness. But personally, I do know if it is a sin to explore space.

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