
Why hasn't South Africa won any medals this Olympics?

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Why hasn't South Africa won any medals this Olympics?




  1. I mean, We were so good at sport at one stage the world Olympic Body had to find some way to get us disqualified because they were scared that we were going to clean everyone up.

    Strange how China got the Games, though, isn't it.

  2. Because it is a kak team filled with capitulators and the sons and daughters of capitulators.

  3. Because they haven't been as good.

  4. It is a lack in natural talent and a shortage in money to provide the expertise in trainers and facilities. SA has fallen behind in the latest training methods and sport sciences.

  5. To much politics involved in sport, and the necessary funds is not available to properly train our people - it's sad really because they have money to waste on name changes which means and changes little , put those people in Beijing have the potential to win gold for SA, if given the funds for enough and proper training

  6. because we have a quota system , embracing mediocrity, not excellence. just like southafrica house at the games........nothing prepared, organised, planned or executed. the guy interviewed from the dept of sport and recreation can hardly speak a word of english.

    ........and these are the people who are supposed to be promoting our country for 2010......... i'm a patriotic southafrican, but opposed to mediocrity.good luck at the airport team SA........there won't be anybody there!

  7. We lost faith in our country

    People that are been able to bring medals is still in the country and not at the Olympics

    The new Souf Efricans mest it up by there laws

  8. such a shame really, because we do have the talent, but there is too much going on in the country right now. not enough money is being put in at the grass roots stage so we cant develop the talent. plus there is the issue of "positive" discrimination, i dont see anything positive about sacrificing talent for quotas.

  9. Give us time, the Olympics is not over yet. I am sure we will get one medal somewhere or really hope so!

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