
Why hasn't Stephenie Meyer...?

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said anything about the leaked pages of Midnight Sun?? there hasnt been any news posted on her website for almost two weeks. Its surprising that for a book that isnt finished she isnt asking her fans not to participate in reading the leaked pages or atleast say something about it.




  1. Seeing as I cannot read minds, I cannot say why she has not made any kind of statement.  

    I can, however, correct Truefirstedition's bogus theory:

    Breaking Dawn has spent all 4 weeks that it has been on shelves on the #1 selling spot.  The release of Breaking Dawn has also propelled other Stephenie Meyer books into top spots (#2=Twilight, #3=New Moon #4=Eclipse, #18=The Host) on the USA Today top 150 (that is all kinds of books, not just in this genre).

    So, maybe disgruntled fans returned their books.  Who cares?  That has not even put a dent in the enormous amounts of money Little, Brown Books and Stephenie Meyer have made off of Breaking Dawn in the last 4 weeks.

    EDIT: More info...

    Stephenie Meyer might not even be aware that they are leaked yet.  Recently a man was arrested (by 5 FBI agents) for leaking unreleased Guns 'n' Roses songs--and THEN the Guns 'n' Roses people were informed of the leak.  It quite simply could be that she is on a vacation from life (a well deserved one) and does not know yet.

  2. yeah i know.

    i heard that 12 chapters are out there.

    my sister got them from somewhere, someone on here told bout them and gave her a website and told her that there not hers cuz she doesn't want blame and shitt.

    if i were her i would try to do something bout it.

    but i think she might not care cuz she knows everyone is gonna buy the book anyway, so finish it or if they haven't read the sneak peeks.

    but idk, it is kinda weird that she hasn't said anything.?

  3. Because I think she, or at least her publishing company, leaked them on purpose to generate some excitement and fan goodwill after the fiasco that was "Breaking Dawn." Who returns a book, even if they didn't really like it? That's serious. Little, Brown doesn't want to lose any more money on future books by Meyer.

    It's unscrupulous and I don't have anything to back it up, except a hunch and the fact that those are PDFs of galley bound pages - exactly what an author would submit to her editor.

  4. just go to this website. hope it helps.

  5. i dont know. but i hope she gets it finished.  

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