
Why hasn't Yahoo been criticizing Palin's hairstyle and voice? Is that only for Hillary?

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Why hasn't Yahoo been criticizing Palin's hairstyle and voice? Is that only for Hillary?




  1. They are too busy sensationalizing the pregnancy of her daughter and making jokes like "Should Bristol name her child Abstinence or Planned Parenthood?"

  2. Because Palin matured nicely, hillary didn't. Have you seen the eyes lol

  3. Hillary pisses me off, McCain and Obama pisses me off. The whole system pisses me off; I hate all of them. The pasty that replaces Bush will still have the same outlook on foreign policy. It’s pro-empire, pro-intervention on both sides; they get to pick and choose which third world countries that are likely to succumb to US regime-change techniques like coups, assignations, foreign aid, invasions etc. There’s no choice there, I wouldn’t vote for any of them.

    Who cares about anyone’s hair? These people are supposed to be running the country; helping the people? HA yeah right.

    Fat cats **** me.

  4. Because she's softer spoken. How dare a woman speak her mind? When she starts making speeches and is more in the public eye she'll be criticized plenty. A woman VP? Her hair, clothes, voice, manners will all be scrutinized. Her family is already under attack for an unwanted pregnancy.

  5. Thank you for having the courage I didn't.....

    When I first laid eyes on her, my thoughts were 'lightweight'.  As a woman, I can't help but notice details like hairstyle and clothing - and I was struck by how unprofessional she appeared in her appearance choices.  But I decided that I needed to hear her speak, and then make my decision about her.  Now I have - and I was right in my initial assessment - she is a lightweight.  Its a joke, really.  I'm no Hillary fan, as I felt she droned like a robot, and had a very severe and masculine appearance - but this woman is straight out of the late eighties.  

    What does this matter to her leadership ability?  Nothing, I suppose.  But combined with her lack of skills in a strong role, I'd say it matters alot.  When I saw the two of them - standing side by side - I was struck with the idea that the US will slide further down in the estimation of the world if this pair is elected.  It will become a laughing stock.  The old man and the brassy side kick....sad, really....

  6. Palin's voice makes me cringe!

    I agree with you the media seems to be going light on her and I don't understand why.  We're talking about somebody that may have their finger on the nuclear button after McSame kicks the bucket.  Do we really want this right wing fembot with no experience in the oval office???  Come on mainstream media!  Take the gloves off and expose her for the poser she is!


  7. Do you want to be the first to go down that track?

    Leave it to the Republicans. They love that stuff.

    Cheers :-)

  8. they have;...


  9. all of these things just proves that they are all human. Everyone makes mistakes

  10. Oh, they have, my friend.

  11. Because she looks and sounds good - generally they pick out the perceived weak points in people to criticize.

  12. I don't know why Yahoo hasn't criticized Palin's voice but I will.

    I listened to her tonight and I thought she sounded like that lady from Saturday Night Live.  She also did a one woman show about her cancer.  Great show.  

    Anyway, I kept waiting for the punch line the whole time Palin was speaking.

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