
Why hasn't a team signed shaun alexander????????

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he's a great RB who wouldn't want him




  1. He wants more money than he is worth

  2. he's getting so old and slower and he had that nasty knee injury so Seahawks let him go and signed Julius Jones to the team

  3. CORRECTION:: alexander WAS a great running back.

    he was never the same after his knee was shredded.  that is why no one has signed him.  the pats signed lamont jordan over alexander.  when they were looking at alexander as a back-up for maroney

  4. abused body

  5. he was...until his injury. He had one successful season and then shredded his knee. Also his reputation for being soft has a lot to do with it and teams don't want a player like that. He is also past 30, which is basically the "wall" for running backs, they can't put up good numbers anymore. Most teams know he has tread on his tires so they're not signing him unless another running back goes down or is traded. Lots of people say Cincy because they are shopping Rudi Johnson for a legit he may get on a team I just don't think he won't be on the field til about week 3 or 4.

  6. 2 reasons in my opinion.

    1. He wants too much money.

    2. He has the reputation of being soft.

  7. Too old and look how he played after he got his money.

  8. I have been thinking the same thing as of late. Yeah, he is getting old and isn't near what he used to be. However, he could be a definitely backup on any team, in my opinion, while being a starter for many. He is getting majorly disrespected through this process, but whoever does eventually snatch him up will be very pleased.  

  9. He USED to be a great back. If he could play, somebody would have signed him by now. The whole league must not think much of him. His performance last year killed him.

  10. To much money +  High Risk of Injury + No hope of production anymore =


    That is the reason why.  

  11. Because he goes down so easy. He falls to the ground when the backup punter looks as him from the sidelines.

  12. During his time in Seattle for the most part, Shaun Alexander was a dominant force.  However, his knee and foot injuries slowed him down considerably.  He may be completely recovered from those, but he is now seen as an injury risk.  Furthermore, his age does not help his cause.  There are teams looking for a reliable backup, but he would be looking for starter level pay.  

    Someone said Broncos ... I would say no to that team since they have so many RBs and a system that makes almost any RB a monster.  

    Texans ... that would be an excellent move, since Ahman Green is the starter there.  Shaun Alexander could make a statement with that team, even though Chris Brown signed with them as well.  

    Bears ... not suited for his style, plus with Forte and Jones there, Alexander would not have the chance to make a move forward.

    There is another team that could give Alexander a second chance ... the Patriots.  They are known for taking players that were written off and put them into a system that would allow them to thrive.  Shaun could try his hand with them, especially if Maroney does not improve while the other RBs are simply situational at best (Kevin Faulk is so underused on that team).

    Still, Alexander will have a tough time getting picked up due to his baggage (injuries, declining performance, potential paycheck disputes).  GIve it a chance though ... since the season is about to start and Iam certain injuries (ironically) will give Shaun a chance to get back in the saddle again.

  13. Shaun Alexander is on the decline of his career plagued with injury after injury. Since he lost his protection on the left side, which is his favorite side to run, it just hasn't been the same. It wasn't entirely his fault he slid so far so quickly. He is still a quality back, but he will not put up the numbers he did when he was league MVP. I saw that it was going to happen (Madden Curse).

    A lot of people don't understand the importance of the O-line. Great O-line players are difficult to find. When you have them, you keep them. Seattle didn't do that. The O-line is what opens the holes for the RB.

    Shaun Alexander was cut because of that hefty contract he picked up after winning MVP for the league. Those injuries killed him the last 2 years. He will definitely get picked up soon if he can understand that he no longer is considered the MVP runningback of today.  He currently wants way too much money than he is worth and does not want to be a back up.  At some point when he really understands his player status worth, he will play for a team needing a RB.  The season has not started.  When injuries arise, he may come into the league again.

    Thumbs up to those who agree.

  14. because most teams that could use them arent going to make the playoffs with him. So they would rather play a younger player and build on that.

    He will only get signed to a playoff or team that needs a playoff team if they have an injury to their starter/backup. Like Corey Dillon last year he wanted to start but nobody picked him up ended up retiring. Like Dante Culpepper - sure he could help a bad team but not enough to make the playoffs.

    I could see a few teams calling him if someone gets injured like the Bills, Ravens, Jets, Browns, Texans, Broncos.... and some more

    A team like the Bears wouldnt bother because they probably wont do much anyways theyd rather build up their rookie rb.

  15. If he really was that great, he would've been signed.  He probably would never have even been cut from the Seahawks in the first place.

    He's terrible.

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