
Why hasn't anyone brought up the fact that Obama's idea of inflating tires could be a big mistake?

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Now most people will understand not to over inflate, some will not.

This is summer, temperatures increase in tires dramatically. A over inflated tire can and will exploded in hot temps. Especially when driven for an extended periode. Do not inflate pressures over the Max stated on the tire. As a matter of fact, stay below it in hot temps. This Could be Life or Death.




  1. He never said to overinflate them, just to inflate them to the proper pressure. this gives you savings today not 10 years from now<

  2. "Underinflated tires run hotter than properly inflated ones, developing excessive heat that leads to tire failure. An underinflated tire also wears abnormally, with the tread on the outside edges of the tire wearing faster than the tread in the center of the tire. Driving on underinflated tires can cost you up to a mile a gallon in fuel economy because it takes more fuel to overcome the rolling resistance of a partially inflated tire. It is also dangerous. Driving on underinflated tires adversely affects handling and the tire can overheat and blowout." As reported by Goodyear.  But maybe Obama, NASCAR, Goodyear, Dunlop, Michelin, etc. are all just trying to get us killed (sarcasm).  Doing too much or too little of ANYTHING can be a bad idea.  Common sense.  If you don't have it, everything you do could be a big mistake.  

  3. Compared to some of Obama's other screwy ideas, this one is small potatoes.

  4. Never had an over inflated tire explode. Use common sense though. Read the sidewall. Stay close to that pressure.   If they do explode it can be deadly. Have them checked buy a professional when you think they're getting thin tread.  Under inflated tires can be just as deadly.  

    and Does anyone even care what the puppets think  

  5. Because inflating tires to the correct pressure is the right thing to do. It's something everybody who owns a car can do to save us fuel as a country. And yes, you use a tire gauge to get it right.

    If you're saying that everybody should drive on underinflated tires just in case a few people don't know how to put air in their tires, that makes no sense.  

  6. >>  temperatures increase in tires dramatically.

    NOT.  Not dramatically.  If temp rose by 10 degree, the pressure would not even increase by 2 psi.


    People killing themselves. There's nothing you can do about stupid people doing stupid things.  In fact under inflating can be just as dangerous.

    Good luck...

  7. It seems he think us USA citizens are complete idiots> As most have common sense on airing up out tires> But the 1s that don't might>That's his idea for not drilling for oil>>

  8. I have not because I am not interested in what he says

  9. Hot or cold you should always inflate your tires to the rating on the tires....

  10. typical. political mumbo jumbo.. the more i hear this idiot talk the less i like him. Does he have any forethought? cripe dont know about tires exploding, but for sure they will wear out faster.

  11. You're right, and the first person that answered doesn't know what they're talking about.

    But the issue WAS raised, that overinflation is a danger, two days ago by Rush Limbaugh.

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