
Why hasn't he kissed me yet...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is the 4th time i have gone out with my currant bf

it has been 2 weeks and we hav kissed b4 as in last time we were together

he hasn't yet kissed me though

should i make the first move or wait

do you think he actually liikes me

please help




  1. maybe he's nervous. guys get nervous too.

  2. he like you.. maybe he just nervous, or just waiting for the right moment... give him time..and if it doesn't work, make the first move..

  3. he probably likes u!

  4. y dont u make a move.  what r u waiting for? everytime we cant expect a guy to make a move somtimes u also need to show him that u love him.  so dont wait and go for it.

  5. he's shy he loves you coz u r s**y. have naked s*x with him in bed and just watch his pleasure.

  6. It sounds like he might just be nervious .... make the first move  .... he be chuffed that u have when u do  :)  

  7. duh he likes you. hes just being shy, or he might not feel like its the right time. go for the kiss, he will love you for it! i love it when my girl kisses me!

    good luck!

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