
Why hasn't my page updated since around Jan 19/08?

by  |  earlier

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I should add that I'm already on the Beta page.

Interestingly enough, this morning everything *was* updated!




  1. I am having the same problem. I have contacted Yahoo customer care and had to send over source codes and a copy of the page. That was a few days ago. As of this morning I still haven't heard back and the page still has not refreshed. There is a new Yahoo My Page Beta that they are asking you to change over to. I am wondering if this has something to do with it??? Anyone out there have any clues? I think the existing page is great and the layout is just fine. Any other comments?

  2. Yah, refresh doesn't work, even if you clear your cache completely first; so it's nothing you're doing.

    However, if you "upgrade" to the new MyYahoo, you'll get new content there, just not on the old one.  Even after updating and then switching back.  As suspected, this seems to be Yahoo's not-so-subtle way of making people "upgrade" to the slower, more ad-laden MyYahoo.

    My solution, I guess, will be to switch to another personalized provider if this continues.

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