
Why hasn't natural selection weeded out depression?

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Why hasn't natural selection weeded out depression?




  1. Maybe it's increasing the numbers?

  2. Natural selection happens over a very long period of time. As we speak, there are suicidal people waiting to jump, so I suppose you could say that natural selection is working on this one still.

    In any case, oftentimes, depression can be treated and as such I don't think everyone with depression will die off... Anyway, depression isn't solely genetic, most people are depressed at some point in their lives.

    Thus, natural selection will only weed out depression that is enough to cause a person to kill himself or herself... If natural selection were to weed out every single person with depression, chances are the human race will die out pretty soon.

  3. natural selection doesn't work that way. Natural selection is like survival of the fittest and depression isn't really a characteristic that could be eliminated.  

  4. well, when i'm depressed i like to have lots of unprotected s*x with women.  

  5. Because depression is a feeling or a state of being and not an advantage or disadvantage to survival.

    Much like happiness, love, sadness, etc.

  6. the depressed are still capable of reproducing. some conditions are herditary.

  7. Depression is a neccesary trait.

    If you are a beta male in a tribe, and you challenge the alpha, and you lose, it's best not to try again. Depression is what ensures that, it's what allows you to resign yourself to defeat instead of getting further worked up and going back for another beating.

    The same is true for any other situations where accepting a loss means you come off better than if you tried again.

  8. Depression isn't always genetic. Most psychologists believe depression is caused by the diathesis-stress model.  

  9. You make depression sound like a weakness, the people i know who suffer from depression are very caring and loving people who dont feel, looking at the world weve created, that theres a whole lot to feel good about

  10. Because depressed people are often talented and bright aswell.  The two seem to go hand in hand.

  11. cus this world can make even the best of us snap lol

  12. depression (to the extent that we see it now) may be a modern day phenomenon that is spawned by a desire for "things" or a lack of meaningful relationships.  this is the first time in human history that the every-man and woman has become so obsessed with acquiring meaningless wealth and also enjoy less intimate and meaningful relationships.  i would assert that it is too new a phenomenon for natural selection to have "weeded it out".  plus, depressed people have children all the time, passing on the potential for depression to their children.

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