
Why hasn't the FCC taken action against companies like Yahoo in unfairly reporting Presidential candidates?

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If you follow national and international media, as I do, then you will note and aTOTAL lack of coverage of Barack Obama's Presidential campaign. I timed a CNN "report" on both candidate's stance on energy policies.Mccain went on for 3 minutes with additional commentary by Ms. Bash. Obama was given 10 seconds, with additional negative comments(Lou Dobbs' June 25th broadcast). The Oil companies and their Republican servants own the media(no surprise there).Too bad media,after next January, broadcast licenses will be reviewed. The media can save itself by impartial reporting, but we know they will not.Oh well. I look forward to seeing new networks bring established and Fox , CNN, CBS, NBC being losing their broadc ast licenses for not following FCC rules.




  1. yes, the media has been our worse enemey in this

    NO, THE FCC is eating part of the oil pie.

  2. Because it is the American way

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    Look at all the news media coverage when Hillery and Obama were at tooth and nail

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    Where was McCain remember that person during all the Hillery and Obama debate and polls annalist

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    That is the way the news media works they dwell on who looks like they are ahead and might win

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    And for a  news coverage to be only of one that might loose is not good broadcasting coverage

    No one likes to watch reporting on the polls prediction of the looser

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  3. because it's called free speech. all networks have their own agenda's, if you're a conservative, watch fox news, if a liberal, watch cnn. same with cbs,nbc, abc, they are all bias

    and mostly present the liberal view. i should say they are mainly anti bush and they have every right to say and believe whatever they want. you seem intelligent enough to figure it out and believe what you know to be truthful and fair. personally, i'm a fox news person.

  4. Wow.

    Look around this answer board, and all you hear is that the electronic media is biased toward Obama, and that McCain isn't getting a fair shake.

    I think this can teach us a lesson -- the electronic media doesn't have to be fair in a specific instance. It has to be fair overall. So, if McCain gets more coverage at 3 o'clock, Obama should get more coverage at 4 o'clock ... or 3 o'clock tomorrow. In theory, it all should even out.

    Oh, and just for the record, networks don't have licenses. Individual stations do. So CNN, Fox News, etc. does not go through that process.

  5. 1. Your an idiot. The real tragedy is the complete lack of coverage in Iraq.

    2. I agree 100% with Yahoo's pathetic Q&A that does not allow you to re-edit a question. Yahoo is a joke, and their political reporting is about as reliable as getting it from a trained chimp. Their writers, in all area's, are so far below respectable it is pathetic. Yahoo is a joke, plain and simple, but you are a moron if you think Barack Obama doesn't get enough news coverage the man is the 2nd most recognizable face in all of politics.

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