
Why hasn't this great country embraced NRL like it has AFL ??

by  |  earlier

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There is no denying Sydney and Brisbane have been huge successes for the AFL great crowds and healthy memberships that are eating into the NRL's heartland, why didn't the Rugby League push into the AFL dominated states work, maybe the answer is simple..c**p game, I mean compared to AFL it is and poorly run, the way it is going I reckon they will be lucky to have teams in Melb and NZ soon...DISCUSS




  1. I totally agree.

    We all agree we are the best country in the world! so that means rugby can't make it in the best country in the world, but AFL can!

    ^^It is the truth^^

  2. get a life. Do you ever do anything other than go on about that c**p sport in the Rugby League forum? The EPL is the no.1 sport in the UK but the super League and Rugby are still around. same in all countries, but it doesn't mean we have to listen to people like you talk about the AFL. And if the AFL is the "number one code" in Australia. then how come it doesn't do as well as all the other number one codes of football in other countries compared to their opposite codes

    Nick L you make no sense

  3. Awesome explanation, I mean, what a reason- c**p GAME.

    A genuis like you could come up with something better right?

    You AFL people shoud start calling it Rugby League, too, not Rugby.

  4. Probably because NRL Is played in Australia and England (Super League)

  5. Weel, for one thing; - the shorts the AFL guys wear, then the jerseys.  I mean, all those biceps & butts on display - how can a girl resist??

    Sorry, but I LOVE my league!! AFL'S too airy fairy for me; & the coats the umpires wear - puleeze!!

    With our "pigs" & "fairies" built the way they are - why would I bother about the rules?! Plus, Give me a sweaty referee anyday!!

    Seriously though, I think the battle between the NRL & Superleague really tore into the game, & divided fans, clubs, & players - it was real mate against mate stuff.  I know quite a few people who switched supporting NRL  to AFL for just that reason.  The rules of the game have changed heaps as well, NRL has largely lost the "flow" - it's all stop/start now. Unless we have a really good look at the rules & get the game back to some of its roots; we will lose the allegiance of some fans.

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