
Why hasnt lebron been in a dunk contest?

by Guest59658  |  earlier

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i would love to see that




  1. all that i have seen him do is throw the ball down hard, in a dunk contest that doesnt get you many points

  2. hes too good thats why. people may think he would win every contest.

  3. yah ..i agree with you....i know he will win it..

  4. Because everyone else is too afraid of him. He would own against anybody. (:

  5. he said he would for money.

    but i think he was kidding

  6. he Think he'll cheated like Andre igoudala did

  7. Because he is afraid of injuries I think and is just being cautious.  

  8. He has, he has never lost one either...Watch his McDonald's All-Star Dunk Contest...I wish he would get in the NBA contest, I'm glad Dwight Howard entered this year, maybe other All-Star Caliber players will start entering it again...Those Dominique v.s. Jordan were the best

  9. He would be embarrased ih he lost. And I think Nike wont let him cause if he lost Nike would probably lose money cause kids would buy lhis shoes and t shirts and jerseys less

  10. He needs to, as much as people like to compare him to "his airness" Michael Jordan he cannot be looked at in the same light as a dunker until he at least competes in a dunk contest. At least Kobe has and won his.

    I think that 229time is right, the NBA needs more bigtime stars to compete and this year's contest was great when they did, by far the best of the last 5 years.  

  11. Cuz he wants to be known more than just a good dunker. He wants people to knoe he can play the game. Like Vince Carter he is only known for his amazing dunks. LeBron doesn't want that..

  12. good question... lebron loves the spot light and the dunk contest would be right up his alley.

  13. there is no doubt in my mind that he would dominate a dunk contest

  14. he doesn't want to be beaten...which is a possibility cuz he always does the same dunk.

  15. he only has one dunk.  the tomahawk.  

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