
Why hasnt the U.S. Government pushed this alternative fuel source for cars?

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Has past all U.S. standard tests,

Is currently developing a military humvee...

But, Should this be the hottest ticket on the environmental issue?

Shows how U.S. politicians really arent out to solve the environmental issue, doesnt it????

Anyone intereste in protecting the environment, AND not for supporting terrorist country's by buying theiroil, should cal their Representatives and have them look into this more!!!

A Car that Is already running on Water!!!





  1. The key phrase in the video is when he says "water and electricity" is the fuel. It takes more energy in the form of electricity to manufacture hydrogen from water than you get back when burn it. This is a fraud. It is just another form of hydrolysis that has been used for decades. Ask him how much electricity he uses to make the gas.

  2. First off what is George Bush's family in one word OIL!

    Second who donates tons of money to the politicians running for election BIG OIL!

    Third who buys up patents for alternate fuel sources BIG OIL!

    Fourth this country has enough coal that can be converted to fuel i.e. diesel and gasoline at 50 dollars a barrel to last the next hundred years as the current growth rate. Why hasn't it be exploited simple BIG OIL!

    In fact this is not the first go around with ethanol blends. Back in the 70's and 80's Road Runner sold a gasoline and ethanol mix called gasohol (misspelled). The carburetter engines run just fine on it. But BIG OIL in conjunction with the auto makers took care of that by designing injectors, fuel pumps etc. on their fuel injected that ethanol had a corrosive effect on.

    Another tid bit is that there has not been a new refinery built in this country in over twenty years thanks to the environmentlist. The problem is not in oil shortage it is in refining capacity.

    Oh! as for the car running on water. Not exactly It runs on hydrogen which is separated by from water by hydrogen fuel cells.

    That was also being experimented with in the 60's but guess who bought the patients. BIG OIL!

  3. That's a really good question. Right now congress is making a bill that will force cars to get more efficient. That's going to significantly raise the price of cars.

    What they could be doing is HELPING the automakers with new technologies. Electric cars of all sizes could be on the road right now if battery technology was better (more capacity and cheaper). The government NEEDS to help with it.

  4. This is a scam.  You cannot run a car on water.

    Juan, you obviously have no concept of how the patent system works.  Assuming that some process was in fact patented in the 60's and that someone bought up all of the patent rights and then decided not to produce the invention, the patent ran out some time in the 80's (patents only last for 20 years and they are not renewable).  Also, patents are public documents so they are out there for any one to read and once they expire, any one is free to not only read the patent but to duplicate the invention.  So, if this was in fact patented in the 60's reference the patent number now and I will look it up and show you how to make one.

  5. This has been disproved by dozens of scientists.

  6. corporations lobby for other things, PLUS most politicians OWN oil stock.

  7. Wow, you posted the car that takes water and turns it into hydrogen and back to water.  So in the end you end up with exactly what you started with PLUS a ton of energy.

    So you "created" energy.

    The 1st LAW of themodynamics, which NO scientist will tell you has been violated:  Energy cannot be created OR destroyed, merely altered in form.

    I'm not saying it is a consensus.  It has never been disproven.  EVER.  That's why it changed from theory to LAW.

    Better to keep your mouth shut and have everyone think you are an idiot than to open it and leave no doubt.

    Take solace in the fact that you aren't the only person to post this, it happens a few times a week.

  8. Basically it's a scam...    Explain about the process   Some discussion of the problems... this isn't new... I had some better debunk links, but I've misplaced them.... There is plenty here to direct those interested.

  9. Have you looked at the water situation in the world today? Both China and India have severe fresh water shortages. The Persians are desalinating water. Even the USA where we have clean water, the run off from fertilizers, soaps and oils are polluting the lakes and streams. Water is more precious that oil. Always has been. Always will be. Don't try drinking oil the next time you are thirsty.

    Water is more expensive than gasoline. Can't we come up with something cheaper than gas to replace gas? Like Photovoltaic panels or Geo-thermal or wave motion generators?

  10. The gas companies have to much say and to much power in the matter.

  11. president carter try but when president reagan was pres. he throw that idel out the window

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