
Why hasnt webkinz been working? it says its down for maintanance and will be back at 4pm.?

by  |  earlier

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it says its down for maintanance and will be back at 4pm. but its said that since 4 four days ago. i just want to know when webkinz will be working again because i really want to play because i have eight webkinz and i feel im not getting enough playing out of each of them!!




  1. I have the same problem. Webkinz on my computer keeps saying this:Webkinz World® is currently down for daily maintenance!

    We will be back up for more fun and games at 5:30 PM EST.

    and its done it for 4 days! I hope they dont get rid of webkinz because i have 12

  2. They are always shut down! So,I am not sure. And if you were lucky and did get to go on it. It will just freeze. The website always does that. I was wondering about that too. The other day I tried to go on with my friend and it wouldn't work. Well Good Luck :-)

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