
Why hate iran?

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Why hate iran?




  1. I don't hate IRAN,


  2. I don;t hate Iran, they have a rich culture I hate the idiots that are behind all the trouble.

  3. Because Iraq, Iran and Irun.

  4. Would this be Salzburg, Iran?

    If not, please learn to categorize your questions better.

    As to your question: well, the fact that their President expressed his desire to "wipe Israel off the map" didn't particularly endear the country to me, but hey, my President is given to stupid rhetoric too.  I have nothing against most of Iran's people.

  5. We don't hate Iran. We just fear their development/modernization of nuclear power. Since that region is filled with irratics associated with religion (suicide bombings, hint, hint), we fear that they may use the nuclear energy for bad.

    And of course, we don't want a nuclear fallout or experience half-life.

  6. no reason to hate , its just BUSH whose trying  to make IRAN look bad to the world. its only making NUCLEAR energy thats all. why is BUSH so pissed off by it? i dont get it.

  7. because of their president!

  8. I like the people of Iran...It's the government I don't like....
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