
Why have Barry and Michelle spent their whole life chasing money and power?

by Guest61405  |  earlier

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What sick demented folks are these.




  1. Maybe they want the American dream so many rich white/black people have chased all their lives. Bill Gates, Oprah, Bush, McCain and wife, Bill Cosby and many many others. Are these folks demented also?

  2. What I find interesting is that Obama runs on a platform of "change," but during his entire career in local politics in Chicago, even when he was in a position to influence change and bust up the corrupt political machine there, he didn't do anything.  He is notorious for supporting and endorsing all sorts of shady characters there, and has been described in the local press there as a lackey to the Democrat machine. His wife works for a hospital where she received a tremendous raise, now making roughly $275K per year, and lo and behold, the hospital started getting all sorts of earmarked funds after Obama entered the Senate.  Coincidence?  I guess you can be the judge of that.  He is just another crooked politician and he found a way to blind the voters to who he really is with nicely presented speeches.  Very unfortunate.

  3. Axes to grind.  Who can blame them?  THey have watched white people swindle and cheat minorities all their lives.  However, they are just following in their footsteps and not changing a thing.  They are getting theirs regardless of how many voters they have to step on or lie to.

    EDIT: Hey smartypants: Cindy and John McCain have always filed their taxes separately and keep their assets separate as well.  THey have a prenup in place that protects CIndy's family fortune if they ever divorce.  Cindy's father and grandfather worked very hard to acquire a prosperous business and have every right to leave it to their children and grandchildre\n.

  4. Because they didn't have it handed to them like John and Cindy did.  

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