
Why have Conservatives gone from calling McCain a liberal opportunist last year to honorable?? ?

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The GOP has moved left in order to win elections. After swift-boating Kerry, Conservatives tout McCain as a glorious war hero. McCain has been around forever and lost against Bush in the 2000 primaries. Has the party lost conservative ways?? Why or why not?




  1. McCain and John Kerry's service records shouldn't even be compared. McCain was a POW and refused his chances at early leave until people captured before him where set free. John Kerry came home from the war and bad mouthed it and it's soldiers. I wonder how much torture McCain suffered because of Kerry's words.

  2. I guess you can say the same thing about the left and how they used to see Mccain as a maverick, NOW hes on par with George W. But it doesnt matter who wins, because we headed down a very dark path.  

  3. Conservatives sold out a long time ago in order to win elections.

    It worked for a while...

    Now, not so much.

  4. Probably for the same reason Clinton is now claiming that Obama has enough experience to be President after all - so their party wins.

    And no, the party is not as Conservative as I might like, fiscally speaking.

    Edit: Thumbs down for the truth. Some people are idiots.

  5. How dare anyone question the captivity and the moral fortitude of John McCain?? He was NEVER a liberal opportunist but he has always been honorable.

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