I'm 25 y/o, SINGLE, no children and I work full time. I've gone to college and now I'm just bidding time until the next big life opportunity presents itself. My dilemma is: I feel like the more men I meet, date and or sleep with---I have an extremely hard time connecting emotionally. I'm almost TURNED off by any form of immense affection or confessions. What makes this weird is---those are exactly the types of men I keep attracting (emotionally unavailble) yet, I long to be in love and love someone. I barely like most guys I sleep with or date. There is never any real FIREWORKS or chemistry. I'm starting to think it's me. I also feel like, something about me TURNS men off from wanting to open up to me emotionally. I can be very mushy, highly sensitive---but only on matters Im passionate about or hurt by. Usually I am crude, tactless but have a humerous nonchalant personality that attracts people to me. But when it comes to just genuine affection and gaging my feelings---I'm retarded. How can I grow to be more emotionally healthy so that I don't run men away?
Also---I have been raped in the past, had a promiscous history and have a detached emotional relationship with my father, though I grew up with him in the same house.