
Why have I gotten a cold from antibiotics?

by  |  earlier

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I've gotten sick from taken antibiotics..nothing horrible, just a little stuffy nose and cough..kind of like a "cold"..what caused this?

everything was fine before taking these antibiotics. I did not start to feel a little sick till about a day or two after I started taking them. I was perfectly fine with no problems at all before then. I am taking them for foliticitus




  1. The reason is you probably had the cold virus laying dormant in your system.   When you started taking the antibiotics it triggered the cold which is basically a virus which the antibiotics have no cure effect on.

    Hope this helps..

  2. Coincidence.

    Whatever you are taking the antibiotic for has weakened your immune system, making you more vulnerable to viruses, which cause colds.  It's not the antibiotic at all.  It's your body being stressed by illness.

  3. Maybe you could have had a mild allergic reaction to this antibiotic because many antibiotics like pennisylan are very common allergens.  Also it is possible to have a dormant virus like the last person said...there are more than one possible reasons.

  4. All the relpies so far are possiblies (the cold is viral, an allergy, late exposure).  Another possiblity is that the antibotic killed some of your normal symbiotic bacteria.  All of the human bodies orifices are covered by harmless bacteria.  Sometimes, antibiotics kill these harmless barteria leaving the area free for pathogenic bacteria.

  5. It could've just been that you came into contact with a cold right before taking them and, as we all know, it takes a few days before the virus actually kicks in and gets you sick.

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