I'm 21, and on the 7th August I went to hospital with asthma (I was having an attack). I woke up on the 14th of August and had been in an induced coma. I am having a lot of trouble talking since, my voice is croaky and its very very quiet, someone please help! How long until I will get it back? Why is it gone? Also, I used to only breathe through my mouth and since I have woken up, I only breathe through my nose... I struggle to drink anything cold too, it feels like it's going to drown me. Also, could it be oral thrush as I have been taking steroids for the lungs, anti biotics and also an asthma preventer? I am finding it hard ti burp aswell, I used to be able to burp when ever I wanted and now I have to wait for it to come out by its self. Thanks heaps