
Why have I seen print ads with light-skinned black women with light brown spiraled-up hair for years now? ?

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My suspicion is that advertisers think that white readers will see the light-skinned blacks in these print ads as "more white" and therefore "more acceptable". If that's true, it's a racist premise. Anyone know for sure?




  1. I hate to agree with your suspicion, but sadly I believe that advertisers are still stuck in a box and can't see that beauty is found in all colors, tones, and sizes.

    I think they are trying to appeal to ALL women without offending or omitting any specific race (How many Asian women do you see in print ads??), taking the "safe route".  It's only a matter of time before we start to see darker skinned ad models - I hope!!  As a white woman, I have noticed this too and personally find it offensive because most of these art directors are probably white - when can we start seeing the world for what it is - colorful, large and beautiful!!!

    In closing, yes, it is a racist premise but not a reflection on anyone other than the marketing campaigners and ad execs!!  Sad but true.

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