
Why have Kate & Gerry McCann gone quite?

by  |  earlier

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Are they busy spending their ill gotton gains now the dust has settled




  1. They have not changed. Its just that there has been no questions asked in here or any news reports for a few days. May I remind you that their ill gotten gains is still missing in case you had forgotten about her or is little Maddie just an after thought to you ?

  2. don't worry, soon as they run out of money we will hear from them again.

  3. gone quite what?  senile?

  4. These poor parents,what a traumatic time they have had over the past year,hounded by the Media,suspected of their little girls disappearance but also have had to cope with everyday life for the sake of their other 2 children.Why can't we show some compassion and let them get on with their lives difficult as it is.

  5. They are conniving with their lawyers to try and escape pending child neglect charges...

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