
Why have La Raza and hispanics sided with Hillary?

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With hispanics overwhelmingly supporting Clinton, what if Obama wins? Do they have the right to be first in line with their many demands of citizenship for all illegals? Do they actually think that Obama could totally overlook that they did not support him? I live in South Texas and am surprised how hispanics are putting all of their eggs in one basket. What if she loses Texas? Yes, some hispanics favor Obama but few. In San Antonio, Obama's crowd was about 10% hispanic. Hillary crowd was about 75% Mexican. In a way, this is good. La Raza favors Clinton, so they have no grounds to demand anything if Obama wins. As an African American, I would be totally ticked off if he caters to La Raza. Whites supported him from the start, and he should remember it. Blacks did not like Obama until Bill Clinton forced them to side with him by saying stupid things. "A wise man remembers those who have shown him kindness, but a fool entertains his enemies."




  1. They have not done a very good job picking leaders in their home country have they

  2. Your question is a little bit all over the place.  If I may break this down, and provide some insight beyond what the thirteen year old girl had to say, or the Ron Paul supporter (both of them equally hormonal, of course).

    Hispanics support Clinton because Bill Clinton did great things for them.  It is a question of loyalty for them.  They hold Hillary in high esteem for the things she did.  As did African-Americans up until the point (that you mention) Bill started casually discarding Obama's wins as wins that Jesse Jackson had.  As someone who voted for Bill back in 1992, I found that shocking, and solidified my support for Obama.

    But your line about "If Obama caters to La Raza, I'll be ticked off":  I'm not sure you are getting Obama's central message, here.  He's saying that he'll unify not just the Democratic Party, but the country, as best he can.  And with his rhetoric, his vision of a new America, he's got a great chance of doing so.  So, of course, of course, he'll embrace Hispanics just like they voted for him.   He'll embrace them, at least in part, because if he wins the Democratic Primary, those Hispanics who voted for Hillary in the primaries will vote for Obama in the general election.  

    We are attempting, in Obama's mindset, to move beyond a politics that punishes groups that voted against the winner.

    Also, your suggestion that "Blacks did not like Obama" until Bill Clinton forced them is a little, uh, simplisitic, and wrong.  There was a reason there wasn't a big African-American turnout in Iowa or New Hampshire (guess what--not a whole lot of black folks in those states).  African-Americans living in South Carolina saw white people voting for a black man, and they begun to believe that he could win.  And then, yes, Bill Clinton pissed them off.  But part of Obama's success has always been to appeal to the better nature of white liberals.  You can't blame black people, who haven't seen a viable black candidate ever, for wondering if supporting a black man was a fool's errand.  

    And you forget at your peril that Barack Obama isn't just a black guy with a good turn of phrase.  The guy is a brilliant organizer and politician.  He's put his money and his effort in just the right states, and he's won 11 primaries in a row for a reason.

  3. Richard, I'm much older than you I'm sure.  I'm from San Antonio Tx too.  I'm a white guy.  It's probably politically incorrect for me to talk about this stuff?  Lot of people in America figure hispanics and black people kind of align with each other cause of their "minority" status?  Some claim there's only one "race"?  Some say there are three?  Caucasian, *******, and Oriental?  

    I realize I come across as some mechanical n**i.  Richard, if you're from San Antonio, you know d**n well that there isn't some alliance or brotherhood between the black and the brown?  It just ain't so?

  4. When gangs go to war for territory who fights who? Yes, hispanics usually fight colored! Obama represents the black

    people so maybe that is why they favor Hillary. La Raza might

    have heard or seen something he really approved of in Hillary's camp. That is my educated guess but who reallly knows the shadow knows!!!

  5. They're annoyed by always being compared to black people. Basketball this, dancing that, american idol nonstop. But NO, there's no Burrito channel! No Chacha shows that people actually watch! NO FIESTA GURUS!!! You know what I say? I say YES salsa. YES to ponchos. YES to E.T.

  6. I think Richard you are wise. I think you should be supporting Ron Paul and the people should be taking back the government and returning it to the people. People are unwise and make foolish choices. They are easily swayed by the sound of the wind.

  7. Because they are all about the handouts, and she is more than willing to hand out the hard earned money of working class Americans.

  8. First of all, it is no longer the case that latinos are overwhelmingly supporting Hillary.  As someone said above, they felt loyalty to the Clintons (which is strange to me bc many of them also liked the first Bush bc of the so-called "family values" of the Republican Party- but I digress).  Also, as with african-americans, they didn't know him like they knew Hill.  He is not a new face to politics at all, but he is much newer than ol' Hill.

    AND, I don't think all those latinos are going to put all their eggs in the Hill basket.  They are not stupid, they see who is winning and you always want to back the guy who can win.  



    (my mom's beautiful child).

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