
Why have PAC's (Political Action Commitiees) developed over time?

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Especially in the modern age?




  1. They were the legal outgrowth from the initial flurry of "campaign reform" measures passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal of the early to mid-1970s. PACs were a way for fund raisers to drive a money truck through the loopholes in those laws.

  2. Money. This is the standard answer to why anything ever happens in politics. It's not for the good of the country, it's not to foster goodwill in other nations, and it's not about making the world a better place to live in. It's all about channelling cash around campaign regulators and making fat b******s fatter.

  3. Mainly to get around election finance restrictions.

    People can only give up to a certain amount to a political campaign, but they can give unlimited amounts to PACS. The Pacs cannot directly promote a candidate but they  can run their own ads attacking opponents of the person they support.

  4. Because our elected leaders take their money for political action and voting in the PAC's favor. It's all crooked. It just helps line the pockets of the elected officials. I guess previous decades the politicians weren't such crooks.

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