
Why have Republican economics been such a disaster ?

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will America ever wake up from this nightmare they've created ?




  1. Because republican government outlooks are far more focused on foreign policy as opposed to Democrats.

    Yes, but first it will get much worse.  

  2. Because 'trickle-down' economics have never been proven to be a soluble solution to job creation and personal wealth.

    Giving everything to the top 1% of American society is like handing a robber the keys to your home or the codes to get into the bank vault.

  3. High oil prices and unscrupulous mortage companies, neither of which you can blame on the Republicans.

  4. Republican economic plans are all based on the idea that if you allow the wealthy to have more money, they will respond by funneling that money back to the country, thus helping everyone. However, it has been shown time and time again that if you let the wealthy have more money, they will do nothing except make plans to get even more money.

  5. Please explain "disaster". We have gas in our pumps. Our children are in school. There is ample food in our stores. We have medical care the world wishes they had. Our poor have two cars, and a big screen TV, and are usually overweight. There's a job for everyone who wants one. Boy, this is one terrible nightmare. I can't imagine what it must be like where you live.

  6. This mess was created by the Clintons not the Republicans, and the surplus was created by the policies of Ronald Reagan

    When the sun rises in the east, its going to be a good day

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