
Why have Republicans become so interested in using the tax-payers money for campaigning?

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They don't want to build schools

They don't want to support universal health care

They don't want to support rebuilding our infrastructure

Now it is so very important for Obama to use public funds...I don't get it!!




  1. not a clue what you are talking about..

    what does one have to do with the other..

    and by the way..

    schools are built and funding by the state.. not the feds

    universal health care will bankrupte this country or raise taxes above 50 percent...

    and the infrastructure has been funded for over 6 decades by the fed every year.. .

    the rules on public money are if you take the first buck.. then you have to follow the rules which is limits on your spending..

    the rules say if you start using it .. you cant go back and change your mind afterwards

  2. Both parties have alays (well, since they legislated it to themselves) used public funds to push their PRIVATE concerns. You do know, don't you, that political parties are private clubs, not governmental?

  3. Because most Republicans that still have brain of their own (there are as many of them out there as the ones that already brainwashed) along with lots of the undecided are very hesitant to vote in another republican, after the 6 years of total Republicans control of government that resulted not only in huge fiasco, but total corruption inside that party.

    The last year after Democrats get the House and the slimmest majority in the Senate, there's a bit of a control in the government (although way not enough since Pelosi seems very chickenish with the way she handle GWB)

    Because of those hesitation, Republicans are losing supporters which translate to not ever going to be able to compete with Democrats candidate in raising money.

    The member of the church that I knew for example was very big supporter of GWB, especially with all his talk of God.

    But they're not without brain and while they won't flock and vote for Democrats in 08, most of them say that they will stay home, the only way they might go out and vote for McCain was if the 'much hated by the right' Hillary Clinton is the Dem. nominee.

    In contary, Democrats are enjoying such a huge raise in supporters from the unaffiliated (like me) who just plain had enough with the Republicans ruling that just lead to the biggest fiasco in America history.

    So In short, Democrats is gaining supporters and Republicans is losing them fast. What do you expect other than them crying for public funding now that they can't even compete for money that McCain has to keep those dirty money raised by that 'pig' Oilman in Texas.

    If McCain couldn't even top Obama in red state stronghold like Texas, then his only chance is the public funding cry.

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