
Why have Yahoo coupled a story about benefit reforms with pictures of young people wearing hoodies??!?

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It seems to me that they're attempting to attach a nasty stigma. I find it pretty offensive - I used to be homeless and benefits really helped me out, now I'm at university. Why would Yahoo use a picture of youths in hoodies to depict news relating to benefit reforms!? What are they trying to say about people on benefits!?




  1. Because the Media is run by the middle classes, and they like to feel smug & better than the lower classes

  2. Stereotyping, as simple as that!  if it wasn't hoodies then it would be a teenage mother pushing a pram.

    At one time 'Teddy boys' were used in the same way, then it was 'bikers'.

    Have you noticed the way that in movies, bikers are always depicted as out of control thugs?

    Those on state benefits, are an easy target.

  3. That alot of them are scum..... and its true. Most of the hoodie gangs of kids have parents on benefits with no outlook on life...FACT. People like yourself that go from using benefits to make something of yourself are rare.

    And before you judge me, I was on benefits for 2 years and it was the worst time of my life.

  4. Because there are just so many people abusing the system and the hoodies generation are a reflection of that. The benefit system is supposed to be there for people in need like yourself in the past, not for people who can't be bothered to try and get work when they can get money by robbing old ladies and milking the benefit system. If these people were made to do voluntary work, gardening for the elderly or cleaning up graffiti etc or lose their benefits then they'd soon want to get a real job with real pay and the country would be able to turn itself around. When i was young, my father brought me up to be respectful to others, especially teachers and policeman, and my daughter has been brought up the same way but so many youngsters today have been brought up to abuse their teachers etc and their parents will back them all the way. My dad would have killed me if i'd done that, these parents need to be punished for the way they bring up their children and not blaming the system for 'letting them down'

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