
Why have a paranormal phenomena section if it's just a rant space for people who don't believe in paranormal?

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Answers which express disbelief or skepticism rate thumbs ups while answers which express a belief in the paranormal rate thumbs down. Honest questions are greeted with attacks against the individuals sanity.

Why do people feel the need to even visit the paranormal phenomena section when their only goal is to discredit and insult?




  1. I used to believe in ghosts and the paranormal due mainly to the fact that there was so little vocal opposition to the ideas so many paranormalists stated as fact.  I am here to express my side of what I see as an argument between a world based on reality and another based on fantasy.  It is not some vendetta.  I just want to see those who are undecided get a fair and accurate picture.

    Knowledge is power.  Science is true, verifiable knowledge.  The paranormal world, having provided absolutely zero evidence for its existence, is unscientific.  Anyone who prescribes to a magical world is at an immediate deficit.

  2. there should be a skeptic's category also,but it should be under religion and spirituality,is kind of a dogma

  3. Welcome to the Internet.  People can be as mean as they want to be with no real repercussions.

  4. Why can't you ignore them?

  5. In my case it's simple.I don't want anyone thinking there's any real science in them.It's the Paranormal section of Science and Math.Why would you come here and not expect skepticism.Agree with them or not our answers are honest.Because you don't like them does not make them invalid.I'm sure you can find a forum for believers only somewhere.I promise I'll stay away.What you call an insult I call constructive criticism.You are being silly,no offense.

  6. Vengeful ghosts are changing answers?

  7. Because it's in the science section as if there were actually something to it.  Move it to entertainment like they did horoscopes, and we won't care in the least WHAT silly things you believe in.  But as long as it's here, we'll be pointing out that there's nothing to it.

    EDIT:  For psiex above - skeptic organizations are not scientific organizations or reseach groups, so of course they don't belong to the AAAS.  But your parapsych thing shouldn't either - since they can't do any real research themselves.

  8. T R is 100% ccorrect.  The audience you seek is not in to be found in the Science and Mathematics Category.

    When scientists, engineers and mathematicians click on the Science category and a list of questions comes up on the right hand side of the browser... which questions stick out most?  Which ones are people interested in science going to be most surprised to see... questions about ghosts.

    While some people will go out of their way to bash your otherworldly beliefs and lack of sanity, I promise you that if you contact Yahoo Answers about moving this sub-category to a different category, you will receive much less criticism.

  9. I feel the same way you do.  And while this division remains in this section we'll just have to deal with those who rely on nay saying as a form of scientific expression.

  10. Theresa for every sound reasonable person out there there seems to be at least three whacks that just love attention weather it be good or negative, they don't care. maybe it fulfills some need in them. I choose to ignore them. Negativity only breeds negativity.

    If your religious you can think their evil if not just nasty.

    My opinion their only wasting and using up good space

  11. I think it's low self esteem. They need to try to bring people down to there level to make themselves feel better. It's not just this section. Go and look at "religion and spirtuality" section. They are not stop in there.

  12. Excellent observation please stay around and join the fight. I think if you take a look at some of my previous answers you will see that I try to provide people information and answer questions to the best of my ability.

    Many of my answers , with thumbs down. were awarded best answer by the asker and often by voters deciding later.

    While I believe in the idea in science of looking for normal explanations first I do not dismiss people's experience and claim everything that I can't explain the result of cheating, drug use, or mental illness as many debunkers have done for many years.

    Despite the screams of skeptics about this section not belonging in the science section the

    Parapsychological Association

    has been an affiliate of the

    American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1969.  No skeptics organization has ever been admitted.

    Note: Watch the ratings because I dare to mention this.

    When an answer is both not helpful and insulting I do Not hesitate to use the report abuse button. I respect different opinions when they are expressed with respect and intelligence. I encourage your use of the report abuse button.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  13. People visit and poke fun because they do not understand. Or they truly want to tell their story but are afraid to get laughed at. People are afraid to admit that their are things that can not be explained. Most folks that poke fun or taunt others are just frightened bullies. They poke fun to cover up their own fear and nightmares. They visit the sites to find some peace in knowing that they are not alone. It is the biggest loudest mouth that is the most frightened and scared.

  14. I think there is a fairly healthy amount of answerers from both sides to create an interesting debate.

    If it was all believers point of views, it would turn into raw fantasy. If it was just skeptics, it would be boring.

    Of course there are a few who are meaner than others, but I think its easy enough to ignore people.

    I usually give thumbs up to people who answer the question and do so in a helpful manner, reguardless of thier belief. I give thumbs down to people who just try to get the 2 pts and say something goofy that makes no sense, or are malicious to the person.

    Again, I dont base the thumbs up and thumbs down on what the answer believes, simply if they answer the question trying to be helpful.

  15. Why? Because true belief and research in this field should not be stopped simply because other less open minded individuals respond negatively to it. People who truly believe or seek help should have a place to go to meet up with others who share in their interest and experiences. Good comes with bad in every aspect of life. We take what is said with a grain of salt and move on to the more helpful. Skeptics will always be around, but we can not let that fact interfere with our pursuit.  I for one intend to reach out and help further this this field regardless of the obstacles, and I hope to help others along the way and offer support that seems so hard to find else where. Life is good... go at it with gusto!

  16. It's in the Science category. What are you expecting? It's not a rant to answer a question scientifically. Just don't expect anyone to coddle your supernatural, superstitious ideas.

    To address something supremely ignorant (or outright dishonest), psi said "the Parapsychological Association has been an affiliate of the

    American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1969. No skeptics organization has ever been admitted." This guy is suggesting that skeptic groups have applied to be affiliates and were turned down, which is bullocks. The fact is that AAAS affiliation is for organizations dedicated to specific areas of scientific research or disciplines (e.g., geologists, physics teachers, etc), and it's not for skeptic or anti-skeptic (religious) groups.  I suspect he's fully aware of this and he's just pulling a deliberately dishonest maneuver. Is this what ghostchasers are reduced to?

    Note: Watch the ratings because I dare to mention this.

  17. Because yahoo put this in the science and mathematics section. They should have added it to the section where religion and mythology is.

    I guess because parapsychology is a legitimate science and the paranormal is closely related to that. However most of the time paranormal means ghosts and parapsychology is the study of psychic abilities mostly.

    Real scientist engage in the former while average everyday people make up the huge majority of  paranormal investigators.

    I am  paranormal investigator myself, but I do not claim to be a "professional" and I try to educate people on this fact.

  18. Great question.  I guess they are just looking to beat up on us believers.  I also think some are religious and think they are doing gods  work.  The rest have a scene of superiority and think if it doesn't happen to them, it just isn't real.

  19. I don't visit the Paranormal section. The Paranormal section visits me. It sits squarely in Science & Math, where I normally am. In fact, paranormal questions appear smack dab in the Science & Math top level category alongside real questions on scientific or math topics. In fact, you'll find this very question in the top level Science category. Paranormal questions are unavoidable. Because they are, and because they tend to involve very unscientific notions, I answer them so that others can benefit. In this way I can be the most helpful.

    Moreover, since Paranormal is categorized under Science & Math, the only proper response to paranormal questions respecting Yahoo's choice of categorization is to answer these paranormal questions from a scientific and skeptical viewpoint. If you don't like that, your beef is not with the science people. Your beef is with Yahoo. Ask them to recategorize the Paranormal categories if you are averse to rational analysis.

  20. i totally agree, a little skepticisms ok, but they say stuff like get a therapists etc

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