
Why have a tribe of orcs decided to establish a migratory camp in my front yard?

by  |  earlier

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A tribe of about 14 orcs have established what I hope is a temporary camp in my front yard. They are armed with spears and slings and such. Everytime I try to go out to get my mail the orcs attack me and I am forced to run back into the house screaming like a little girl in a high pitched tone. It isn't fair. Why did they choose my front yard? There's lots of houses around here. I feel scared.




  1. If your house didn't have that tower with a giant eye on top, you wouldn't have this problem...

  2. you front yard may look like home to them!!!

  3. because I kicked them out of my yard

  4. Throw them your scraps.

  5. Go in to your garage, get the lawn mower's gas can. Empty it into a bucket.

    Go out and drench whoever is closest, and light that baby up! The rest of them will pack up the charred meat and be on their way in no time.

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