
Why have all Americans got yards instead of gardens in Garden + landscape section?

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Why have all Americans got yards instead of gardens in Garden + landscape section?




  1. The only difference is the terms the english and the amricans use as we the english use the term garden Americans use Yard or Backyard.

  2. in the past most British houses had Yards, the term came from the size of the open space behind your house, because in poorer areas the size was usually a Yd square.

    When the pilgrim father set off to America they took the word with them, which then remained in the American English but was most dropped in England.

  3. My yard has a lawn AND a garden in it. My yard is the perimeter of my property, and includes the lawn and garden (and house, dwelling, domicile, shack, etc...)

  4. A garden is a place you plant veggies and flowers.  A Yard is where the grass is.  For example..I have an area in my front yard where i dug up the grass and planted flowers.  That's a garden.

  5. When I was young almost every house in Great Britain had a 'yard' at the rear. This normally consisted of laid industrial bricks (blue) giving firm access to all outside buildings. This is were we honed our cricket and football (soccer) skills, not the girlie games, rounders and netball.  Beyond the yard was the garden, flowers, veg etc. The integral part of the garden was of course the lawn, not yard. At the front or sides of the house we had gardens, again containing lawns. Did you ever hear anyone say ' I am just going to mow the front yard' Of course not. So every Sunday morning you have millions of Americans mowing their front YARDS, if their preacher allows them to garden on the Sabbath.

  6. The same reason we have biscuits and they have cookies I suppose.....just another country using different names for things.

  7. There are many reasons, first, where is it written that you must have a garden? many people just don't like the work involved with having a garden or landscaping. Then you have 2 generations, or more, who have grown up and never planted or grown a thing and have no idea how to start. I must question where you are seeing homes with nothing but yards, sure there may be a subdivision or two in every city that seems to have no landscaping or gardens, but overall, most homes do.

  8. We have both a yard(lawn) and Garden. I can't wait until we start seeing tomatoes.

  9. It is simply a different usage of words.  

    In the UK a yard is normally used for a place of business, like a Scrap Yard, Builders Yard, Freight Yard etc.  And a garden is the cultivated area around a house, including the vegetable plot, flower beds and landscaped areas.

    In USA a yard is the name for business areas as above but also the general term for the land you get with your house, whether you landscape it and have veggies and flowers, or just leave it in grass.

  10. Culture and background make all of the difference. A lawn to me means the grassy part of the yard whereas the garden is the flowery part.

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