
Why have child tax credits paid me two amounts in one day?

by  |  earlier

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I have just made my annual child tax decliration and on friday was confused to see two payments of child tax credit in my bank account. I normally get £41.00 a week but on friday i had £45.90 and a second payment of £10.60 . I plan on phoning them on monday as am worried about it. I have recieved nothing in the post to say anything about this. Has any one else experienced this.




  1. It is a week payment and a part week payment. When they receive your renewal you have a payment date, Tax Credits is paid on a weekly benefitt cycle, by the time your claim was processed you had a payment due (10.60) for a past period and then a payment for the current period (45.90). The system used doesn't allow combined payments for a full week and part of another so these are issued seperately.

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